Monday, 11 January 2016

Me On a Monday

Happy Monday friends.

I know the lovely Sian, that started this fabulous idea has changed it slightly, but I do so love the original that I may just stick with it this year too ... I hope that's ok.

I'm not saying I won't also join in her new one, which is called Memorandum Monday, and it's all about what you've learnt that's new, so do pop over and check it out, in fact .... I do have a little something new to share with you ... but first!

You'll find me this Monday getting back into my normal routine as Simon has gone back to work after 3 weeks off.

So how was our weekend? Well it was Social.  On Saturday I attended my local crop and had a lovely day catching up with friends. Its been ages since I went, so hoping to attend more this year, and I even managed a layout.
That empty spot with nothing on the desk other than my cutting board and a Starbucks is, is where I was sitting lol.

Then Sunday saw us celebrating at my friend Jackies 40th birthday party.  She had a vintage afternoon tea theme and it was just lovely. You can tell she's a crafter by how beautiful it all looked, and the attention she gave to the small details.

So here comes the bit where I've learnt something new this weekend! 

All that bunting you see, that was made by Jackie herself. It was gorgeous and of course, we got talking about it, and it turns out that its all made from buying cheap duvet covers.  That way when you cut the triangles you can cut two at a time for being double sided. Plus its more economical ... how brilliant is she? What a clever idea. 

So that brings me straight back to today, and of course back into my old routine, which means coffee and cake with Emma. 
Have a lovely week friends, and I'll be back to share with you my layout and, (shines halo) my 2016 project life pages, so far. 


  1. What a lovely weekend. Your friend's tea party looked amazing!

  2. I'd love to go to a crop! Glad you had a nice time. The party looks lovely xx

  3. I hope to get to your crop again soon, looks like a fab weekend xxx

  4. Oh look there's me!! Lovely seeing you this weekend X

  5. Looks and sounds a great weekend it's nice to get back to routine isn't it? Xx

  6. Oh I need to go to a crop...I miss group crafting. The tea party looked lovely, such pretty decorations. xx

  7. Beautiful table settings. I do like Me On Mondays, but shall give Memorandum Mondays a go, who knows I may find the new,better :)

  8. Fabulous photos Sandra - sounds like you had a super weekend.
    Toni xx

  9. What a lovely tea party and that piece of cake looks delicious! Hope you have a good week.

  10. I do love the me on monday theme too - not that i've joined in for a while.
    whoal.....doesn't your tea party look fabulous. the 40 photo collage caught me eye too x

  11. I think I may carry on with Me on Monday, still give a wave to Sian and if I happen to do something new or learn something new over the weekend then will share that also. Your crop looks fun and the party looks like it was great fun too.

  12. What an absolutely lovely social weekend it looks like! Have a great week - waving today from a cold (but finally sunny) Texas!

  13. What an absolutely gorgeous party setting! You've had a lovely weekend alright...have a great week!

  14. that tea party looks gorgeous x

  15. Oh, just look at all those pretty tea cups. What a lovely party that must have been to attend.

  16. I wish I could have made it to the crop. Jackie's party looks amazing! x

  17. Lots of loveliness going on there - that tea setting is beautiful.

  18. The tea party looks amazing! She is a clever lady. Lovely way to spend the weekend too with tea and scrapping!

  19. I am glad that you took the break from your daily routine life and celebrated hard. I am also thinking to celebrate at best New York event venues this year with my friends and make some memories. Hope I will get my desired venue for it soon.


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