Thursday, 7 January 2016

One Little Word

Although I don't follow Ali Edwards one little word fully, I love the concept behind it.  Plus, I'm a list girl and always planning and making goals, so this year, I've picked a word.

Yes, Growth .... no, I'm not expecting to get taller, although, I wouldn't turn that down!!

Let me explain the reason I've picked this word.  Last year I felt ever so slightly lost.  My world became the bears, the bears and the bears again.  Those that know me, know I'm slightly ever so obsessed with my home.  I like it clean and in order .... but that never happened last year. In fact my world was turned upside down.  Don't get me wrong, I love them to bits and I honestly wouldn't change them for anything, but I lost a bit of me as I was so caught up with them.  I didn't scrapbook much, I didn't do the home projects I had planned. I didn't read much, I didn't go out very much either.  I just stopped being me, if you like.

So I need to completely change my attitude and gain more confidence, so this word just seemed perfect for me.

So here's the breakdown of my word

G - GAIN KNOWLEDGE : I want to learn new crafts; and crochet is on top of that list. Other crafts include illustrated faith, interior design, felting, knitting, doll house building and sewing.  My love is still scrapbooking, and again this year I will be doing Project Life (and finishing 2015's)

R - READ ; Last year I hardly read much at all. I did start the Marie Kondo decluttering book but never finished it completely ( I will this year).  I tend not to read the classics or anything deep and meaningful. I'm a fluff girl, and I'm happy with that, but even that didn't happen last year. So I got back onto the Goodreads site and although I'm not setting the bar high, if I can at least read 6 books (minimum) this year, I'll be happy.

O - ORGANISE & DECLUTTER : I actually didn't do too badly last year with my decluttering, but I need to up my game this year.  I'll share with you in another post how I did with my 80 day declutter list. I also need to organise our files, our finances and all our paperwork.  I want to be ready with cards, and although its a way off, I want to be ready for all the holidays, Christmas included.

W - WELLBEING : Last year I reached my target weight in Slimming World and I'm happy to say I've stayed at it. Simon sadly, didn't do so well, but he's rejoined, so my focus is to help him achieve his. So healthy eating is on the cards for us, which for me, means trying to cut down on my sugar intake!  I'm also including my confidence, style, skincare and makeup in this category.  More importantly, I include my faith, I need to reconnect with it and get back to who I am and what it means to me.

T - TECHNOLOGY : I want to blog more, get to grips with Facebook, photography, instagram, twitter and my computer appliances. I adore Instagram the people are just so friendly and I've actually made lots of friends on it, and some I'm meeting up with this year.  Facebook has always been a bit of a mystery to me. I don't play the games on it, but I know there is so much more to it. So I will try to get on there more. As for computers, well I'm still trying to get to grips with my mac book. I've always been a pc girl, so its taking a bit of time, but I'll get there.

H - HOME : Home truly is where my heart is, and I need to give it a make-over.  I have a list of projects that I had planned to do last year, which included the kitchen being given a major face lift. I really need to make new blinds and soft furnishings too.  Plus, the little house still needs a lot of work done on it too.  All in all, paint brushes will be needed in abundance.

There you have it ... my word. I will be blogging my progress on each of these issues and also how my word is helping me through the year.  So, lets do this


  1. I wish you well with your "Growth".
    You will be pleased to note that crochet is very much the 'go to' craft at the moment - enjoy learning 'how' as it is a lovely relaxing craft.
    Toni xx

  2. Sandra: all the very best with your "Growth" (yeah, I know, we're never going to get any taller are we?) You'll crack crochet in no time! Part of me wants to put down the socks and get back to crochet myself. It's really addictive.

  3. Good luck Sandra, a great word and a great breakdown, I need to join you on all of the above! Looking forward to seeing your success x

  4. If you find out a way to get taller, please let me know! I can understand how those two gorgeous bears took over your year, but now puppyhood has passed (probably not completely) time for you to reclaim your time!

  5. Brilliant word and I love how you've broken it down into categories. Here's to a brilliant New Year x

  6. That really is a great word, for a short person LOL, sorry! I love it and I love how you've catagorised it. Good luck and I look forward to seeing how much paint ends up on the bears....oops I mean your progress :) xx

  7. I am like you, don't really do the OLW thing all year long. But this is a good approach! Good luck with it.

  8. Love what you have done here with the one word thing Sandra.....happy new year!! PS I have been motivated to get back to blogging, 2016 is the year I keep it regular!! xx

  9. That's a great word, Sandra. Wishing you all the best with your "Growth" this year.

  10. What a fantastic word and list of goals for the year. They really do sound a lot like mine, so I'll be cheering you on and working right along with you. Looking forward to keeping up with your year of growth. (And congrats on reaching your goals weight - that's on the books for me this year!)

  11. I can sympathise with your home and your bears. We only have one pooch but i hate the mess it creates. Dog hairs manly as she moults so much! A great word I hope it helps you through the year x

  12. A great word and I love how each letter means something different. (Love your blackboard too!) if we're ever in the same room I'll happily help,you with the Facebook lesson! I've been the tech guru for most of my friends who didn't know how to use their phones to the best advantage!!!


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