Tuesday, 5 January 2016

So Lucky

To have friends that know me so well.  Emma got me just the most amazing Advent goodies. Honestly, every day when I opened a present, I almost squealed with delight.  So here you are ... just look at all the gorgeous scrapbooking papers; I can't wait to start using them! ... oh and that Chocolate! ... Gone, well it would be rude not to have started on it.

She even wrapped a book for Simon and presents for the bears.  Thanks Emma, you're the best xx

I also woke on Christmas morning to a surprise gift .... apparently a certain friend,  (Jo) sneakily spoke to Simon, and then dropped around a gift to my neighbour while I was out. So this came as a huge shock and bought tears to my eyes.  I won't share with you the beautiful message that she wrote on a card, but lets just say it's being kept forever, and I'm truly blessed to have her in my life.

I can honestly say, I have the BEST friends in the world. Thank you guys xxx


  1. You are blessed with lovely friends, and now lovely goodies too!!

  2. Nothing beats good friends. You are a very lucky lady xx

  3. Lovely goodies, I love the numbered tags, wonder where they were purchased from?

  4. How lovely to have such little treats to unwrap every day. And what pleasure to have such caring friends.

  5. What a fabulous collection of goodies Sandra.
    Toni xx

  6. Well you know what they say...you can get the measure of a (wo)man by looking at the quality of her friends :)

  7. Wow, such wonderful friends! And those certainly are some pretty scrapbook papers & embellishments - have FUN!

  8. We're the lucky ones to have you as such a good friend, our "always there" friend :) xx


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