Monday, 11 May 2015

Quick update

Goodness, where do the days go?

I've been trying to do a catch up on blog reading, but I'm falling so very behind. Then I feel bad about doing a blog post myself. So I think in order for me to move on, I may start reading afresh tonight and not panic about catching up.

So here we are; May already. I often worry about time flying and I'm not achieving much, but at the moment, I'm just happier that it means one day closer to summer.  I can't tell you, how fed up I'm getting at trying to toilet train the bears in the garden when its raining and cold.

Still, we're getting there ... they are without a doubt. GORGEOUS.  A bit of a handful to say the least, but with the weather getting better, it means some of that puppy energy is being released in play and these two can chase each other around the garden for hours.

April, was a good month, I started my organisation (only to find the draw dividers I bought were too small). We had some hot days which meant summer clothing. The bears went to the groomers, not to be groomed, but to get used to the noise and smells. Their first cut is happening later this week.  Also, we finished at puppy school, which to my embarrassment, just after Bertie got his rosette, we were asked to leave as he wouldn't stop barking!

 April, also bought me a new haircut.  I had a good couple of inches chopped off and much prefer it. I may even go a little shorter at the next cut.

There it is, a quick catch up from me today, while the bears are sleeping.  I will try my best to blog more and not leave it so long. I even managed a little scrapbooking at the crop last week, so you never know a layout might be shown soon.

Thank you too, for all the lovely, lovely comments I had on my last post.  It really does mean the world to me to have such wonderful friends that understand and accept me. xxx


  1. Hi Sandra!! Loving your new haircut - hmmmm you may have inspired me to get a bit chopped off!! Things arent going well for me on the getting out of jeans rut, but from your pics - you've managed to get a dress on - jealous :-) Loving the doggy update - they just look so cute, cant wait for more posts, I keep drooling over your scrapbooking so look forward to your seeing your layout - I dont think my brain works in the way for scrapbooking, but one day I may try :-) take care xx

  2. Oooh your little monsters are hairy, but so darn cute !! Lovely to have a catch up on your life sweetie !! Your looking fab and so is the new hair cut !!

    hugs as always,

    Diane xx

  3. Yep..just do what you can when you can. We're glad to see you whenever. Your hair looks gorgeous and I like your outfit too. Everyone is laughing at me here because I put on woolly tights with my dress this morning. And now the sun has come out

  4. Thanks for the update. The puppies are just adorable. Wish I was nearer to come and have a play! Love the new haircut (and that splash of coral with your navy outfit xx) see you soon xx

  5. You are looking very stylish Sandra, and I really like your hair. I know what you mean about catching up on blogs, leave them a few days and it takes a while to catch up. The bears are looking adorable as ever, and it will get easier.
    Sue x

  6. What a lovely collection of photos. The bears are growing so fast.
    Love the new hair.
    The grown-up colouring books don't seem to be suitable for alcohol pens as they do bleed through a bit. However, there are some books out there that only have designs printed on one side of each page so you wouldn't have a problem with those (I would suggest a sheet of paper underneath just as a bit of protection).
    Toni xx

  7. You look abfab I love your cut and colour Sandy. I too have cut my hair shorter from when you last saw me. Can you believe its nearly a year since I was in the UK. iI will have to win another holiday. Lol . I am surprised you get anything done with your two bundles of fluff keeping you so busy. Keep up the good work. I love reading your blogs. Xx

  8. Love your hair...and the puppies are looking pretty good as well!!

  9. You're looking great! I went back and read your last much of what you say resounded strongly with me!...I haven't blogged for a couple of weeks and feel a real need to get my life back on mind is consumed with dad's illness these days though've given me some food for thought- thanks xx

  10. Loving the new hair cut Sandra x
    I keep thinking that time will slow down the older I get but so far thats not proving to be the case!!

  11. What a great haircut - perfect for summer! Sounds like you had a busy April!

  12. Oh yes, the shorter cut really suits you.

  13. Stopping by from Melissa's blog! It is very hard to stay caught up with blog reading! Love your doggies!

    Sandy’s Crafty Creations Blog

  14. I love the pictures of you babies :) It looks like you had a lovely month and I love your hair x

  15. You look lovely Sandra, the haircut really suits you. Me on the other hand have gone the opposite and now have my hair the longest its been in years. I just read your last post and wanted to say its your blog so go with what your happy with. I have updated my blog today for the first time in months.....I am going to try and update it more but I have decided that my posts don't have to be 'craft' based so like you it will be about my everyday life as well as my scrapping etc. Keep smiling xx

  16. Fab haircut, it suits you well. The bears are so beautiful, LOL at being asked to leave puppy school :D


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