Tuesday, 14 April 2015

A Fresh Start

With this beautiful weather we're having at the moment, my mind has been mulling over changes that I really need to make.  A spring clean if you like, of my home, my style, my life and my blog.

So firstly, I apologise for not blogging much recently, or for my lack of blog reading & commenting lately; I'm sure it won't come as any surprise for you to read that my life has been turned upside down by two furry puppies.

I'll be honest! I've struggled. They're hard work and full on, but they're also loving and fun to have around (when they're not squabbling). But this also brings me back to changes I need to make.

My blog used to be my crafting projects mainly, but this is happening less and less these days, and one of the reason, I suppose I don't blog ... I just don't have anything to share.  Now, I'm not saying I won't be crafting anymore; but other things have been taking my fancy recently. Which is where the change will be happening. I did ponder closing down this blog or at the least just keeping it for crafting, and then start a new blog, but after chatting with a couple of friends, I've decided to keep this one, and see how it goes. (hence the new heading lol)

OK, First up ... Me.  Over the past few months, I feel I lost who I am. I've lived in jeans and tatty clothes and I hate it.  I don't know the last time I painted my nails, and I know that's not a big thing ... but its who I am.  Some may remember, I said recently, that I needed to find my style again; so now is the time to do it. After my birthday last year, Simon and I joined Slimming World, and I have to say, I love it.  I can eat rice, pasta and potatoes ... Simon can still have meat and bread, so its really fitted into our life. Well, a few weeks ago, I'm happy to say I reached my target weight. Yes, running around, cleaning up after 2 pups certainly helped. So nearly all my clothes no longer fit; and I'm forever hiking up my jeans and putting new holes in belts. I'm not really even a jeans person, but I seemed to have lived in them, as they have pockets for dog treats, and plus when a dog is hanging off your leg, it doesn't hurt as much as when you're wearing a dress. But enough! .... Time to find a stylish me.

Next up; our home.  The little house is looking amazing. Yes, it still needs work, but its all shiny and new, so that sort of puts our main home to shame. So I've decided it needs bringing up to date more and a good organisation and clear out.  I still have boxes and boxes of my parents things here to sort though and even here, I seem to have lost my mojo.  This was the first year, I never actually decorated our home for Valentines or Easter. I have lots of painting plans and makeover ideas ... and it just generally needs a good sort out and clean.

Organisation! .... I used to be a bit of a nut about it; but open any draw now and it will be a mess. Plus we spend more time looking for things than ever. I'm late with birthdays these days; well that was never the case.

Cleaning! ... I have a tendency to be a little over the top. Well, I did used to; but this is another areas, I seem to have lost my way in. I need to start and work my way through rooms.

Cookery; That is probably the only area that seems to have improved, and I'd say that is down to slimming world books, but I still want to improve this area of our life too.

Gardening; yup, I've certainly been spending a lot of time in the garden. Not actually gardening, just walking pups around saying; "be quick" or "do your business" ... neither of which has helped the lawn or plants lol.  So this year, our garden needs a complete overhaul and be more dog friendly.

So ... there it is; my plan.  If you've read this much, I'm thankful to you ... but I will totally understand if you need to say goodbye to my blog. Like I say, its going to change; it will be filled more with my everyday journey into this new life, I need to make.  My blog will probably be more like my instagram feed (less so many puppy photos) but its the everyday things I need to concentrate on.  I'll be posting on here my organisational finds; some of my Pinterest links too ... and hopefully even some of my youtube finds.  The reason for me doing this, is my blog will be more like my diary, and will help me find things quicker when I need them.

Please don't feel you need to comment on all my future waffling but I think changing this to my new "lifestyle blog" (I love those words lol) will really help me, and give me the push I need to get my act together and change.  I may post random things on here, so I apologies now, but like I say, its here more as my own personal Pinterest board.

Yes, I'm hoping to still craft; project life, planner and sewing, but I just need the push to get me back into being "me" again.

I can't leave without a photo ... so here was how March shaped up.  Dentist, coffees, friends,bears and a pretty new car ordered.

Thank you all for reading, and honestly, I will understand if you need to remove me from your blog list. xxx


  1. My goodness Sandra..I think you'll be surprised by the number of fans who are going to leave comments telling you they have no intention of taking you out of their Readers! I'll be the first.

    It sounds as if you have been doing lots of thinking and maybe going through a bit of a hard time..you've had so much change over the past few years, there's been a lot to get your head round. I hope so much you are on the other side now and looking forward. I'll be watching out to see where your plans take you x

    1. Thank you very much Sian for understanding. I really need to get my head into a place where I'm happy, and like you say, so many changes have happened, that I need to stop looking back at what was, but move forward.

  2. Sandra I'm not going anywhere sweetie !! I love seeing and reading what you have been upto !! Good luck with the new you.....

    hugs Diane x

    PS I can hear Weight Watchers calling me yet again......

    1. Thank you Diane, I really appreciate your kindness xxxx

  3. I've not long since found you - so I'm glad you arent going anywhere!! I can totally relate to this post, I've considered setting up a second blog and make it more of a diary of things that go well or mainly not so well lol, but I thought I didnt have enough energy to keep my crafty blog going so how was I going to manage a second one!! I sooo lost my way crafting and then wanting to do other things but never seemed to find the time - but thats because I'm a time waster!! (one of them being scrapbooking but I dont think my mind seems to work that way if it makes sense - I have so many things I'd like to record especially with my boys, but to be honest I dont know where to start so that idea will go on the backburner, like my quilting, cross stitch etc, etc!)

    I look forward to your future posts and send you hugs xxx

    1. Thank you so much Ali. I umm'd and ahhh'd over starting a new blog, but like you, just knew one would have to give up. So I'm hoping this new plan of mine works, as I really do need that kick up the behind, to get me moving and feeling more me xxx

  4. It sounds like your fur babies have turned your world upside down.... I'm sure you will get back on track soon enough. I'm looking forward to your future posts..even though i see daily (almost) updates on iG, which never fail to make me smile. Love your new blog header :) good luck x

    1. Thank you Louise, I love that I can connect with you on IG as well as blogland xxx

  5. Remove you from my blog list are you nuts! Sorry you've been in such a dip lately, I didn't realise. I understand though, pups are cute and we wouldn't be without them but they are worse than children lol! We'll sone on both of your weight losses, I certainly need a quick up the...anyway hope things get better for you soon and you've still got a reader in me. Give the beats a snog from me xx

    1. people keep stopping me in the street and telling me its like having twin toddlers suddenly in your life, Jess. and oh my goodness it's been such a shock to the system. Eddie and I had got into such a good routine, that this has been a big wake up call. But huge thanks for your support xxx

  6. A blog should never become a chore so if a few changes meet with your current needs then go for it.
    Puppies can really shake up your world but your bears are adorable and I'm sure that now you have given all this a lot of thought they will slot into your new ideas & organisation.
    Go with the flow Sandra and I'm sure the path that is correct for you will become clear.
    Toni xx

    1. Thank you Toni, what a lovely way you've put it "my path will become clear" .... thats really made me happy. xxx

  7. Me again Sandra....I use Woodware 2mm foam tape and cut it to what size I need. Decoupage has always been a love of mine !!

    This will get al your friends wondering what on earth I am on about....he,he

    hugs Diane xx

  8. This is a great post and I am really looking forward to getting some tips from future post because I really need to sort myself out too! xx

  9. Having recently discovered you, through Instagram, I just love IG, will continue to follow!!! and I'm looking forward to reading your journal, because like you I've lost my way a little. Good luck
    Sue xx

    1. I've really enjoyed your friendship on IG Sue, so thank you so much for these kind words.

  10. I too am not going anywhere. I live a good nosey into someone's life as much as the next person so if you're offering it on a plate I'm in! Seriously, you have some great intentions here (some of which I can identify with with the sorting out and cleaning - it's that time of year!) and I look forward to seeing how they pan out. Good luck xx

    1. Yes I think you're right ... its that time of year for a spring clean. Only I'm going the whole hog lol. Thanks so much sweetie for the kind words xxxx

  11. As a stalker I will continue to stalk! Always lovely to see what you havt you have been up to and pictures of your world xxx

    1. Thanks Ruth ... you're the best kind of stalker. Thanks for the support and friendship xxxx

  12. complete turnaround is exactly right. That's a perfect way of saying it ... thank you so much for these kind words; it really means a lot xxx

  13. Well I am not striking you off! I love a nosy into other's lives and have loved your IG feed and seeing what you have been up to with the pups and the little house. So I look forward to seeing more of that on your blog xx

  14. I think the idea of the lifestyle blog is fantastic! I consider my blog more of a lifestyle blog - although I have lots of scrapbooking, I throw in organizing and book reviews and anything else whenever the INSPIRATION strikes! :)

  15. Drop you from my reader? Now there's a silly idea! I enjoy reading whatever you have to say, on a variety of subjects. I firmly believe in blogging without obligation, so whether you choose to post twice a week, once a month or whenever, I'll be here :)

  16. Glad you are still going to blog and I look forward to whatever you share. You are certainly staying on my list!!

  17. I think you've organized and sorted your thoughts and ideas, so that is certainly a good start on renewing. Good luck on moving forward - I'll be checking in from time to time. I just discovered the Facebook group, so I will see your creations there still, right?


Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and leave me a message. It means a lot x