Monday, 6 October 2014

Me on a Monday

I'm joining Sian again, this dull Monday morning, for "Me on a Monday" post.

I've realised that most of my Monday posts are photos of me taken over the weekend, so just while that thought popped into my head, I decided to change that today, and quickly sat back, and took a photo of me in the mirror.  I was actually doing a spot of "Pinterest" viewing on the computer in Simons home office.

This weekend really started the change of weather into Autumn, and shopping in Kingston on Saturday we got rather wet! ...Still, I'm really don't mind the change in season, if it means sitting all cozy in front of the fire. I also got to see my cousins this weekend; took out my winter clothes to start sorting through;  clearing my craft room (again) and a spot of stash sorting for my Daily December album. Well, it is only 80 days till Christmas. :)

So there you have it .... me on a Monday.  Hope everyone has a fun week, I'm off to meet Emma for coffee now.


  1. Thanks for the Christmas reminder :(
    What a dull and dreary day it is, horrible, cold and wet, I'm staying indoors.
    Great photo and have a great week :)

  2. Oh only 80 days then.....cheers for that Sandra !! Oh my, wish my house was as clean and tidy as yours sweetie !! Nice to see you on this wet and windy Monday !!

    hugs Diane xx

  3. What a lovely peek at your beautifully arranged shelves as well!

    Have a great week Sandra

  4. That is a fabulous FUN photo of you today! The weather here has been beautiful, too, and a little much-needed rain today.

  5. Autumn seems to have arrived here as well.I've been sorting out my christmas stash.....need to get the cards started!!

  6. Cooo eeeee - so happy Ive found your blog again and am loving that photo! Hope you enjoyed your coffee catch up x

  7. Lovely photo Sandra.
    Boy did the rain come down on Saturday and night temps are now much cooler.
    Toni xx

  8. a lovely photo Sandra...enjoy your week x

  9. What a great shot of you! Have a great week.

  10. Hope you have a fab week - thank you for all the lovely comments you have been leaving on my Blogtober posts x

  11. Sounds like you had a busy weekend! x


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