Monday, 29 September 2014

Me on a Monday

This Monday is all about getting back into the swing of things again.

Last week Simon had to have some biopsies done, so was a home resting. Which I absolutely love having him at home, but oh I do like it when I can get back into my normal routine too.

So lets see, this weekend was a mixture; Dinner at Mansion House on Friday night. Browsing at lovely vintage wears on Saturday and grass cutting and enjoying the garden, in warm temperatures for this time of the year, on Sunday.

Have a fun week all, and as always, thank you Sian for the lovely idea of Me on a Monday. 


  1. Posh dining indeed!
    Hope things return to normal very soon - have a great week :)

  2. Wow vey grand indeed !! And look at you in your fab sparkly number !! Hope everything is Ok with Simon.....

    hugs Diane xx

  3. I hope the biopsies went okay. Not fun at all.

    Your dress is gorgeous! have a good week (always wary of saying something like that when there are tests on the go, so just wishing you well)

  4. Very posh dining....gorgeous dress.

  5. What a beautiful location for your dining, hope the result of the biopsies is alright

  6. You looked lovely at the meal :). Hope the biopsies are ok.

  7. Oh Sandra, I hope the results of those biopsies bring you good news. Looking very glam there Mrs. F xx

  8. What a grand place that is, and that dress looks dazzling on you! Fingers crossed on the test results.

  9. Lovely photo of you - looks like a great time out!


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