Wednesday, 6 March 2019

Moving Direction

I apologise once again friends, for being missing in action (so to speak), but life has taken a big change for me recently, what with a house move and Simon taking early retirement.

The past few years, I've felt a little lost and disconnected with blogging, but enough is enough! I've given myself a stern talking too and feel its time to find my feet again.  Sadly this little blog lost its way a bit, and all I was showing was my weekly photos; where did all my creative passion go?

So, I'm starting afresh with this and a new blog. My new one, will be mainly interior based as this has been my focus recently, but you'll also find styling, cookery, gardening and all things home life.

You'll find me hanging out on my new blog, called Little House Happiness.  Its actually a hashtag I use over on Instagram and it really sums up how I feel about our new home and the new adventure that awaits.

So what about here, I hear you say! Well All Things Pretty, is going to have a little makeover, and recently (last month, to be exact) I took the plunge and became a Stampin Up demonstrator.  I know, I just can't leave craft alone, can I.  So here, I'll be sharing all my love of all things creative, including Stampin Up, but also, and yes, I know you've heard this before too, but I will catch up with Project Life.  I also want to reconnect with scrapbooking again, after all it was my first love.

So wish me luck, and watch this space.

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