Monday, 1 April 2019

Castle Craft Club

Yup, that's the name I've given our new craft group being held at our local Community Centre.

I have a friend who comes along, and in her own words "Doesn't have a creative bone in her body".Well I can tell you know, that's just not true.  She's been to both classes, and her cards have been fabulous.  She gets craft!, and by that I mean, she experiments and plays with some ideas, and I do think she's been shocked at how well they've all turned out.

Let me share with you the cards we made from our first class.  We used the "Time for Tea" bundle, which is just perfect for most occasions
Our second meeting we used "Hello Cupcake" stamps, as lets face it, who wouldn't want a card with a cupcake on it.
I'm so enjoying my time with these crafting ladies, that I'm thinking of making it a weekly event.

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