Monday, 24 April 2017

Weeks 14, 15 and 16

Goodness, I'm shocked how long its been since I blogged!  Well, its certainly been a busy few weeks.

So let me do a catch up; I will be using these posts a memory jogger for me when (not if) I catch up with Project life.

Weeks 14 
Betty got moved this week into her forever home lol.  It took 3 days in all, one day here being dismantled and two days at the little house.  Work continued at the little house on the garden, I can't believe how amazing the chaps are that work there.  The fire was installed this week too. I love love love the oak mantles.

Things that happened here in Epsom, that I loved and made me laugh.  While I shower, I leave the back door open, so the bears can go and come. I keep the gate to the lawn closed; but they have figured out how to open it; which one morning they did; only they don't know how to get back in as the gate opens outwards.  I laughed so much seeing there faces stuck the other side.

Lastly, our lovely neighbour Brenda, made the most amazing cakes, which she shared with us.  I sure will miss our neighbours.

Weeks 15
Well week 15 started really well, sadly it didn't end that way.  So first things first; Simon came home with a beautiful Easter Egg for me, from Fortnum.  The garden was finished this week, and honestly it couldn't be better.  I love it. 

I also packed up my craft room this week, as we need to turn it back to a bedroom. 

My highlight was lunch at the House of Commons.  They open it for a few days each year to the public, and Simon got in early and booked us a lunch.  The food, was amazing as was the venue .... stunning.   The staff too, were so lovely; I asked if I could keep a menu, and she said sadly no ... then she came back and said, if she dropped it, and it fell into my bag, then no one could moan lol.  One for the project life album, for sure.

Now for the bit, that didn't work out well! On Thursday I didn't feel well.  That sure did show itself.  I  got the dreaded Novo Virus.  I have NEVER been that ill; I then sadly, passed it onto Simon.  So that was us done for on Good Friday! We were so so ill.  Not what you want for Easter. 

Week 16

Still, feeling weak this week, but we had far too much to do.  We had a van booked for the Tuesday, and a storage unit too.  Happy, to say its filling up nicely.

Work at the little house is progressing well.  Simon went on Wednesday as the fire installation finally finished; only when he got there, the house had no power! Luckily they fixed it, but not before taking up most of the road.  Simon also installed our new shutters ... I can't wait to see them.

Thursday saw Jo and I take a trip to the Stitch, Sew & Hobbycraft show at Excel.  We usually go twice a year, as for some reason I get sent free tickets.  I will say this was one of the best ones yet.  We both have a new hobby too ... Print Blocking lol.

The weekend was spent catching up on the finishing bits of the house; Painting our back door and the cupboard in the utility room.  Something that has made me smile. UPS delivered some shelving for the little house, and left it with our neighbour as we were out.  Obviously our neighbour or someone mentioned to the driver we were moving; and he wrote the nicest thing on the slip. If you can't read it in the photo.  It says "I hear your moving ... sad times (sad face)"  Yes its going in Project Life.

Ok, I apologies for a long post, and I'll try and keep my blogging more up to date.


  1. Such a busy few weeks - hope you are both recovered from the virus.
    I went to the Excel on Friday - I hadn't been for a few years because on the last visit it was so disappointing. Not this time. Had a lovely time, spent more than I planned but came away with some bargains. Saw the block stamps - they are lovely aren't they.
    Toni xx

  2. Gosh, you've got a lot going on and with a nasty surprise in the middle too. Take care of yourself! A bad bout like that can take a while to get over.

    Oh, and I love the story about the menu :) What a souvenir

  3. oh i do love betty and dream one day of owning one, also a wood burner! simple pleasures I long for :)
    so pleased your dream of moving its moving along nicely
    the novo virus is awful, I had it a couple of years ago and was laid up for a whole week and still took me a good month to sort myself out!! so do take care x

  4. It's lovely to see what you've been up to and how things are going at the little house. When I read about the Bears opening the gate and not being able to get back the other side of it I just thought "busted" :) I hope you're feeling much better now xx

  5. What a mix of things you've had going on over the last few weeks - from the glamour of the HoC to the dreaded stomach bug. The Little House is coming along beautifully, it's going to be perfect when it's all finished.

  6. Hope you feel much better by now...the Little House looks great! Xx

  7. a fun catch up ... I am late to this party as I too am trying to catch up (lol). Poor Bears trapped on the other side ... glad you are over that nasty virus. Betty settled into her forever home is a good thing. Nice photos of you & Simon at the dinner.

  8. I have to agree about the oak mantle - stunning! Hope you're all recovering from the virus - it seems to take forever to get over it and it can hit you so hard and so quickly!

  9. Glad your feeling better now Sandra. Lots of lovely photos you have there, looks like all is coming along nicely with the little house. Jane xx

    PS Inspiration has hit and I am back to blogging again!


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