Monday, 20 February 2017

Week 7

Week 7 was Valentines week and Simon got me some lovely chocolates and a Master Plan notebook! Couldn't be more perfect for me. 

I also started boxing up some bits; I need to change my craft room back to a bedroom. So I'm moving bits over to the little house slowly. 

Simon had a couple of appointments this week. On Valentines day, he had an appointment for his feet. He's in a lot of pain, and they don't really want to operate, so they are fitting him with richi braces, and he had to go and get his feet and ankles moulded for them.  On Friday, he had a 2 hour dental appointment. Poor chap, he's certainly going through it all.  It will be so much better when he can retire, and not walk around from meeting to meeting in London. 

We spent the weekend at the little house where we met some people to get the ball rolling.  First was the Aga people, of course we've got to take Betty with us.  So she'll be going at the end of the kitchen counter.  We also then had a landscape gardener visit to quote for some ideas we have.  

I'll be back with a post on our garden design soon. 
Have a lovely week dear friends.


  1. I love the idea of a "master plan" notebook. Pleased to hear that Betty will be moving with you. Have a great week Sandra.

  2. Oh so good to hear that Blue Betty is going with you, you know I worried about that. Like the photo of one of the Bears peeking over Simon's shoulder. Exciting to have a gardener coming in with plans. Happy week ahead.

  3. Poor Simon - hope things can get sorted for him as there is nothing worse than being in pain.
    So glad Betty is moving with you.
    Have a great week.
    Toni xx

  4. Poor Simon. Fingers crossed he gets some relief soon.

    So that would be a cunning master plan you have? or just an ordinary one :)

  5. Hope hubby is ok :-) Hae a great week x

  6. Oh, goodness, he is having a time with it - glad that retirement in on the way so he'll get some relief. Glad things are progressing at the little house.

  7. Poor Simon, I really do feel for him and it doesn't sound like he's had a nice week at all x

  8. Poor Simon, I hope both appointments left him feeling more comfortable.
    Exciting times ahead at the little house!


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