Monday, 13 February 2017

Week 6

Thank you all for your kind comments on my last post (well, apart from Jo's lol), its all very exciting and scary at the same time.

Ok, so week 6 was just wonderfully social and I think I must have been enjoying myself so much, I actually forgot to get photos of them, but I got to spend time with a few of the lovely ladies that live in my road. I will certainly miss them, but I had a coffee with Moira, Debbie popped in for a cup of tea and Maria came over for some cuddles with the bears and a cup of coffee or two.

I also met up with a lovely friend that I first met on a quilting course many years ago; we then connected again through IG and this week met at Gorgeous Gerties in working for a coffee, cake and long chat. It was lovely.

We also went out for a curry with Colin & Maria on Saturday night ... so you can see why I say it was social.
Also this week, Simon surprised me with this gorgeous little wooden terrier for my collection.

Also we started to sort through our loft. Goodness, I'm a hoarder!  I found all my old baby clothes, my tiny tears dolls, and every card that Simon and I ever sent each other.  Also was my old scrapbooks of interiors that I'd cut out and keep, dating back to the late 80's.

We just won't have the space and I think even if we did, I really need to let go of some things; not everything, but those memories don't diminish just because I don't have the actual item (seriously, I'll be just fine without my tiny tears doll) lol.   I'll never live a minimal lifestyle, but at the same time, I don't want to have things in boxes which I'll never never look at.

I need to do some more serious sorting and charity shop drops this week, wish me luck.


  1. I do wish you luck! Lots of it! I have a couple of photo albums filled with pages from interior magazines from the 90's. I probably should get rid of them..

  2. Ah what fun digging through all those lovely memory items, but yes time to release & let someone else love them. It is a hard thing to do, but just think of the wonderful tidiness you will be enjoying. Happy week ahead & wishing you continued energy for sorting. :)

  3. Sounds like you had an enjoyable but busy week and the coming week will be just as busy. Good luck with the sorting.
    Toni xx

  4. Catching up with blog reading today (obviously!). Remember to have FUN sorting and choosing what to keep and what to pass along. Take photos of those things you're passing along and you'll retain the memories for scrapping later! :)

  5. Just having a catch up after a busy few weeks here. What a wonderful adventure you have ahead of you. Exciting times.

  6. It sounds like a great week. I'm a hoarder too and would find it too hard to get rid of a lot of my stuff, good luck x


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