Friday, 30 September 2016

My Painted Pew

As you know I've been on a mission to update our home, and I'm happy to say I'm really pleased how its coming along.

I'm also slightly (ok, totally) obsessed with upcycling, and making over furniture.  More so when the vision I have in my mind, works out well in real life, which as we all know, isn't always the case.  So let me introduce to you my finished pew.
For a long time I had been searching for an old church pew, and a few years ago, I managed to get hold of one.  It was cut to the size I wanted, which meant, although each end matched, they weren't a pair.  In either words, they came from the same church, but had different handles and numbers on them.  None of this worried me, as it is against a wall, and I still loved it, but what I didn't like was that it was such dark wood.  Its just not me! I tend to like everything light and against my table it just looked even darker.

So ... what's a girl to do! Paint it of course.  I didn't want it to be white, so off I went to Farrow and Ball to see what paint they had. I had a colour in mind, of Skimming Stone, but the wall that it sits against, was going to be painted in Skylight (same colour as the dresser), and after talking to the assistant, he showed me that it would end up looking quite lilac.  So instead I went for Cornforth White.  I'm so pleased I did.

Here's the process I used.
Of course ... first it was primed with Zinsser. 
Next came 2 coats of the Farrow and Ball, Cornforth White. 
Here's a better look at it, against the blue. I think it works, I hope you do too.  All I now need to do is make a seat cushion for it, and of course, I'll show you when I'm done. 

Happy Friday friends, I hope your weekend is a good one. 


  1. It looks super Sandra. The colour really was the right choice and works so well with the colour of the wall.
    Toni xx

  2. I think it looks beautiful. I've been in a couple of really old churches round here and they have painted striking and yet very peaceful when you see a lot of them together.

  3. looks fabulous x
    we have an old pew in our hall way


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