Monday, 3 October 2016

Week 40 .... The week that was

A week of firsts.

First fire of the winter, and my first new £5 note.
A few new things made it into our home too this week.  A new washable mat! ... Yes, the word "washable" is very important in my life these days lol.   Also, next new thing was Simon's latest toy! ... Yes, he should be renamed, "Gadget Boy" ... as honestly, he's obsessed.  Anyway, his latest toy is the Amazon Alexa.  I must admit, I'm enjoying it playing different Prime music and also keeping track of my shopping list, but it is getting on my nerves when Simon keeps asking it for a new joke lol.

Also this week, I met up with my cousins in Kingston for breakfast and to celebrate one of their birthdays, and lastly, Simon had a hospital appointment about his feet.  Sadly, he's really suffering, so we're back having appointments, and looking at new ways to help him. I may be that an operation is closer than we had hoped for, but I think the hospital want to try some different routes first.

There you have it, my week.  I'm enjoying the change in season, and feeling all cosy at home, I think some autumn home decorations may need to come out this week xx


  1. Pretty five pound note, very similar to our Canadian $5.00 dollar note. Always nice to see one or both of The Bears. We too had the fireplace on this week, chilly evenings creeping in way too fast. Happy week ahead.

  2. I've not had a new fiver yet :-( and not heard of Alexa lol finger on the pulse that's me ;-)

  3. We had plastic fivers here for a while and then they took them out of circulation again.

    That cosy evening feeling is great isn't it?

  4. The nights sure are getting chilly, I've got my knee blanket out !! Sorry to hear Simon is suffering Sandra, hope they can help....

    My poor old dog has a wee problem, he just can't hold it anymore and has chosen to wee on my bed, don't know how many times I have had to wash everything, but can't the mattress !!

    hugs Diane xx

  5. What a gorgeous oven! Had to write that :)
    I simply loathe these new £5 notes - they feel so strange, and I keep finding that I'm taking out two from my purse instead of one and not realising lol

  6. It looks and sounds like a great week apart from poor Simon's feet x

  7. I really like your decorating aesthetic - can't get enough of those type of pictures. I had a Euro in my hands for the first time this past week.


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