Monday, 19 September 2016

Catching up

Goodness, my poor little blog has really suffered with Simon being off.  So lets start with week 36, it was a Bank Holiday, and I caught up with lots of lovely friends.  So here's the run down;  The Bank Holiday itself, was super hot, and all the running around in the park that the bears did, meant that Bertie got very tied. This in turn meant that his daddy, had to carry him home. Much to the disgust of Molly, who likes to be carried at any chance she can grab. 

Something, I've been trying to get hold off, is one of the little drift wood houses, that are made by Shabby Daises.  Luckily for me, I was up early when it went on sale, and nabbed one. Oh I love it. 

I made a start on my christmas quilt. Not the one I had planned in the sew-a-long but one I'm happy with.  Also, this week, I managed to get some face time, in with my lovely friend Caroline and her gorgeous boy, Sergio.  Its funny, we're so similar and we often laugh and call each other our twin. I also met a lovely IG friend for coffee and cake.  I can honestly say, that I've met and made the nicest friends through blogging and IG.  Sarah was so sweet, as although I never said anything, she bought me a card and a box of violet creams for my birthday. How she remembered was amazing.  
As you can guess it was also my birthday, this week. Simon and I went out for a lovely meal on the Saturday night, just before my birthday.  On the Sunday, my actual birthday, we took the bears to a training class, and goodness, they were so good. After that, we went out to a little coffee shop in Dorking, and then home to an evening, where Colin and Maria came over to help me celebrate. 

Onto week 37 and the start of Simons two week holiday. The weather was absolutely gorgeous and we made use of it, by spending a lot of time at the little house.  On the Tuesday we went off to Margate. I really recommend it if you're looking for a little vintage shopping.  Such a lovely artistic place too.  Also on the Wednesday we watched the biggest demolition in UK so far. It was the fall of the Isle of Grain chimney.  It was amazing, and I've never seen, so many people in Queenborough to watch it.  Then home to Epsom, to start decorating our main living space.

We also had a lovely dinner at Colin and Maria's; I attended a crop and sat next to Jo, where I actually managed to get all my project life photos in my album and up to date. No pretty bits done, but its a start.  

So that brings us back to week 38 ... and Simon's last week off.  Again, the weather was amazing and actually, one of the hottest September days in over 100 years, and what where we doing? Decorating. We replaced the yellow walls with cool blues and soft whites, and I love it.  Sadly though, we lost our last fish this week, and we've decided to not getting any more just yet.  
My birthday present arrived too this week; Simon got me the boxed Carpe Diem planner, designed by The Reset Girl. Oh I love it.
We also took a quick trip to the little house, as one of Simon's Aunts wanted to visit it.  As you can see, the bears loved sitting on Simon's mum's lap lol.  Work on the Epsom house is going well, we've put a new worktop in the utility room and I got some new autumn cushions from Sainsburys.  The week ended with a friends 50th party, where she had a photo booth and I managed to get a photo of some crop friends, who were enjoying it.

There you have it, a little catch up. I apologise that I've not visited your blogs over the past few weeks. No excuse, I've been bad at blog reading, but I really hope to get my act together now.  I'm still trying to get the house back in order after the decorating, and have a few touch ups to do, but I promise to try and take the time to catch up with you all.  Thanks for sticking with me on this photo heavy post.


  1. Lots of fabulous photos for your scrapbooking.
    The Isle of Grain chimney was always a marker to head towards when we went out sailing - shame it is now gone.
    The decorating looks to be going really well.
    Have a great week.
    Toni xx

  2. This catch up was a lot of fun to read. I love seeing what you are getting up to on IG, but it's also a pleasure to say welcome back here! We saw that demolition on the news and I was able to tell J that you had seen it in person.

    Have a good week!

  3. Love posts like this xxx belated birthday wishes xxx

  4. It looks like you've been having a really amazing time x


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