Monday, 29 August 2016

Weeks 34 and 35

oopppss, sorry I've been missing a few weeks of blogging, but I'm back now ... so lets see, what's been happening.  Well, lets start with week 34

The start of it saw me having to say goodbye to my dearest friend Sue.  We've known each other forever, or at least thats how it feels.  I met her straight after leaving school and she's been a big part of my life ever since.  We grew up together, if you like.  But she's off to pastures new, a whole new and exciting adventure in France. Yes, I know I should be oh so happy for her, but I hate the fact that she's not going to be down the road to me, or even within driving distance.  It was a very upsetting day for me, but I know its going to be quite some adventure for her, so I'll put on a brave face. 

Also this week, I went for coffee with Maria, and finally sorted out my planning and home organisation desk.  We then took off to the little house for the start of Simon's week off.  The traffic on the way was a nightmare, and when we got there, it was quite cold and windy but boy that sure  did change. 

Ok, now onto week 35

Simon had last week off, and we couldn't have been luckier with the weather.  Actually, we ended up staying longer at the little house, hoping it would catch the sea breeze and be cooler. No such thing, in fact, Kent was the hottest place in the UK.  

A quick rundown .... We took a car full to the charity shop. Took Simon's mum to sittingbourne for a look around, and the funniest of things happened while in Dunelm store.  A lady came up to me and asked if I was "Sandra" ... She said she recognised me from Instagram and even saw Simon walking around the store.  She was such a lovely lady, I'm glad I met her. 

As it was so hot, we put a washing up bowl down for the bears to paddle in. Bertie loved it, Molly wasn't so sure. I did some quilting; Although not easy with Molly on my lap.  The Great British Bake off started, and I'm already hooked. 

We then came home, as the bears had their 6 month check up at the vet. As it was National Dog day, we called into a little coffee shop with the bears, who behaved very well (Bertie, is going through a difficult stage, so may need to see a behaviourist).

Back home, we've decided to have a good makeover of our home, starting with lightening it up, so I've been looking at paint samples.  Saturday saw us go to the Farrow and Ball store to buy our paint, and of course stop for a coffee out. 

There you have it .... our past couple of weeks.  Simon is back at work this week, because of a mix up with one of his partners. Instead, he is now taking next week off and the one after that.  So hoping we can get on with using the paint and making the changes we have planned. 

I hope you've all had a lovely few week; and are enjoying the summer holidays.  I can't believe that today was the last bank holiday till Christmas.  Enjoy your week friends, and I apologies for not getting around to visiting your blogs. I'm hoping to have a little catch up over the next few days. 


  1. Beautiful photos Sandra and two weeks full of things going on. Looks like the charity shop did well out of your clear out.
    Have a super week.
    Toni xx

  2. You got recognised!! That's brilliant :)

    A run to the charity shop. I think that's what we need to do here. Plus some new F&B: that would be lovely! Enjoy your decorating

  3. Ah, the famous Instagram Sandra, gosh I bet you were surprised to be recognised!

  4. I like the photo of one of the Bears helping you sew ... being known, oh my, not sure how I would have reacted. Have fun picking paints.

  5. Good catch-up post. Sorry his week off was interrupted - hope the next one isn't. And we're looking forward to our Labor Day weekend here marking the end of summer too. How did it fly by so fast?

  6. It looks like you've had a really lovely couple of weeks x


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