Wednesday, 1 June 2016

An end of a TV era

I know this is a funny post but its probably one that explains rather a lot about me.

My all time favourite television shows is called Castle, and it came to an end yesterday! ... So let me give you a little back story.
Castle is about a crime writer who shadows a New York police detective ... long story short, they fall in love (eventually), a bumpy road along the way, of course, all love stories do. Marry, separate, get back together ... etc. etc., Its fluff! and that's what I love about it.

I'm not someone that watches the soaps, I hate violence on tv and can't stand shouting.  So really, my favourite programmes, are all happy ending type ones, but I do love crime solving programs ... especially when the good guys win, so this one was perfect for me.

Anyway, I've been watching the show since it started in 2009 and I've loved following Castle and Beckett's love story (and crime solving), throughout its 8 series. I've even taken screen shots while watching it, and put them in my project life albums.  The network even put out a couple of books, supposedly written by Castle.  I read them, don't recommend them, but again, its all part of the fun.

My ritual is watching it with as much peace as two puppies can give you, with a glass of sherry and a packet of M&S cheese puffs.  I'm a simple girl at heart lol.
So its came to an end .... I will of course be watching it on re runs, and on dvd. I will be laughing at the banter and wishing it had never ended.

All that leaves me is to find another television show to love and enjoy a sherry too.


  1. It's sad when a show you love comes to an end. I watched the first couple of seasons of Castle. I loved Firefly (in which Nathan Fillion previously starred) and there were sometimes references to that, which is always a bit of fun. The Good Wife is probably the longest running show I've stuck with and that is almost at an end. About 4/5 episodes to go here inn the UK I think. I'll be thinking of you, with your sherry, and smiling next time I sit down to watch.

  2. This is one I've never seen! But after all that time it must feel like losing an old friend.I don't know what to recommend to replace it. We're liking Outlander at the minute tho it's probably a bit racier than Castle by the sounds of things!

  3. we love Castle in this house too....we were in mourning for several weeks when we heard it was ending...still got the last episode to watch...will miss it...I feel your pain xxx

  4. I've seen several episodes of Castle, and often wished I had seen it from the beginning. You may have just provided me with the series I can stream over the summer. I am a cheese puffs fan too, but I've not tried them with sherry. Being a wine lover, this too will be on my agenda. If you like detective fiction, Rizzoli and Isles was pretty good for the first couple of seasons, I need to get back to that one as well.

    1. I love Rizzoli and Isles too, but I must be the kiss of death or something, as that's coming to an end too, isn't it xx

  5. I hate it when a great show comes to an end, I always feel so lost. Those cheese taster are the best, I really have to avoid them because once I start on them I just can't stop!

  6. I've only seen a few episodes but the banter between Castle & Beckett always seemed such fun.
    My favourite TV is NCIS - I just love Mark Harmon, his smile is so infectious - and I am so happy that I've managed to get all but the two most recent seasons on DVD.
    Toni xx

  7. I've never seen 'castle' or heard of it if im honest , but I love sherry and M&S cheese puffs ����

  8. We watch Elementary together & it was a close call being cancelled this season, but thankfully renewed for the 2016/2017 season. I like your food ritual, umm maybe we need to create one - because the show is murder mystery (not really violent) maybe each work could be a mystery snack .... thought needs to be done.

    1. We like Elementary too, oh I didn't know it was a close call for it, that's one I thought would have been safe.


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