Monday, 18 April 2016

Week 16 .... The week that was


I met up with a lady that lives around the corner, and who I can just tell, will become a good friend. I met up with these two gorgeous pups and their mummy. Pilate's started again, which meant I had a lovely chat with Maria.  The doors went back on to part of the kitchen, and I'm over the moon with the effect.  Looking forward to painting more of it.  Sadly, my PayPal account got hacked again, so days and days of trying to explain to them, I'm not a gamer, and I don't stay up until the early hours buying gaming vouchers, has finally paid off, and they've agreed that it was fraudulent transactions.

Then on Thursday, we set off to the little house, and although at the very start the weather was dreadful, it soon changed and goodness the past two days have been beautiful. We had my mum in law over for dinner, and also I got to spend some time with Simon's cousin, who I adore.  So all in a lovely visit.
There you have it, my week.  I've also decided to start back on my decluttering kick, which will help when I'm clearing the kitchen too, for more painting. 

Have a lovely week friends. 


  1. Your kitchen looks great - Im trying to persuade hubby to let me paint ours but he thinks it would be a good look - I'll have to show him yours. All the doggies are sooo cute xx

  2. It sounds like a perfect week apart from Paypal and I'm glad that's sorted now. The kitchen looks great! xx

  3. The new puppy friends are adorable but do come second to The Bears. Decorating is such fun, decorating is so stressful - there you have it extremes for one activity (lol). I like the colours of your kitchen & all the rose motifs.

  4. The kitchen looks fantastic! I'm so annoyed for you about Paypal. Urgh.

  5. The kitchen is looking fab.
    What a pain about your Paypal - glad you were able to get it sorted but how frustrating & annoying.
    Have a lovely week.
    Toni xx

  6. Lovely pics as usual Sandra, you have such beautiful homes. Hope you dont have anymore paypal problems xx

  7. Sounds like it was a lovely week! The cabinets are looking great!

  8. Cute kitchen!!Sorry about your Paypal troubles, glad you convinced them in the end. Do you have one of those little number generating doohickeys that provide an extra layer of log-in protection. I got one after my account was hacked several years ago. No problems since.


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