Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Week 15 .... the week that was


I'll be honest, most of my weeks are pretty much the same as everyone else's and not out a whole lot, but last week, I had two lovely events to attend.

Here are the highlights.
The weather is improving during the day, so much so, I had my first coffee while sitting in the garden.

The nights are still chilly though, and I so love having the wood burner. 

Such a hard life being a bear

Then my week really improved .... I went along to a baking demonstration on the aga.  I'm totally in love with it. Just the decision of 2 or 3 ovens. 

Then Friday, it really peaked ... I spent the day with Jo, at the Hobbycraft fair at Excel.  

What a great week, how will I top that this week. 


  1. What a fabulous week! (It does look like the bears have a hard life! LOL)

  2. Looks like a fab week. That mug is so pretty and I love your wood burner.
    Toni xx

  3. Mmm..when the aga arrives, maybe?

    I love your coat!

  4. Sounds like a lovely week! Beautiful mug for your coffee. Must catch up soon. X

  5. Did you photoshop all those freckles on my face!?! It was such a lovely day and it looks like the rest of your week was good too xx

  6. Oh what a fun week you had. I love weeks like that. Xx

  7. Looks like you had a great week - hope you got lots of nice things at the show

  8. Delightfully eventful, it looks to me. How nice!

  9. What a fab week. I wouldn't know what to do with an Aga but I love a good cooking demo! I did the fact that the Bears can sleep upright so cute!!


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