Monday, 28 March 2016

Week 13 ... The week that was

filled with more sick days and awful world events.

I didn't go on my usual coffee morning with Emma, nor did I go along to Pilates, as Simon had managed to pass onto me his horrible cold bug, and coughing and spluttering, really isn't what anyone wants to here.

So instead, I stayed in with these two as company

I know it looks like they sleep alot, but that's probably the only time I can catch them on camera ....otherwise, its wizzing around after them.

I did get very very spoilt this Easter.  Simon bought me these for the little house
And my all time favourite chocolates, from Fortnum & Mason.  Apparently, the Egg is from him, and the box of chocolates are from the bears.
Easter Friday, saw us just chilling at home.  The bears are allowed upstairs occasionally, not to sleep, but just to get used to being around the house.  Molly in particular, is very taken by my hairdryer .. well, she is a girl.
Sadly on Saturday, Simon came down with the most awful and violent stomach flu.  Luckily it was a 24 hour bug, but his carers did a good job of guarding him.
And then yesterday, it was a quite Easter for us.  Especially as Simon still wasn't feeling too good.

But my lovely lovely blogging and instagram friend Caroline, sent me the most beautiful Easter bunting, so it has certainly cheered up my fireplace.
There you have it, a quite week, and one filled with sadness too at the awful events that have unfolded in Belgium and Lahore this past few days.  It is so heartbreaking.

Stay safe lovely friends.


  1. No matter how bad you feel, your fury buddies can always make you smile....the best medicine in the world !! Hope your both feeeling better soon.

    I got one chocky egg which I had to share with my furry boy who helped himself while I went to the LOO !! Thankfully he only got to lick the bits off the foil as he hadn't seen he had flung the main egg ( or rather what was left ) across the room......:)

    hugs Diane xx

  2. I do hope everyone feels better soon!

  3. I hope you're all feeling better now. Your Easter gifts all look gorgeous xx

  4. Hope you & Simon are on the mend. There have been so many bugs doing the rounds.
    Love the china. What a lovely gift.
    Wishing you both a much healthier week ahead.
    Toni xx

  5. Hope you are all feeling better now. I love the Emma Bridgewater china, so pretty x

  6. Poor Simon, he must be longing for March to end so he can start a new month fighting fit! Sorry to hear he shared the cold germs with you too.
    I have real Emma Bridgewater envy here, those mugs and the jug are just gorgeous. Coffee tastes the best in EB china!

  7. Hoping you're both soon returned to fitness.

  8. Hope you are both on the mend. Such pretty pottery too - lovely to be spoil it (and why not in this horrible world we find ourselves in) have a good week x

  9. Oh I do hope you are both feeling better now. What lovely presents you had!

  10. I know this will sound odd, but being sick & having those two cuddle bears, well it kind of makes it bareable ... glad you are all on the mend.

  11. I hope you are feeling much better now as I'm getting caught up on some blog reading this evening!


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