Monday, 29 February 2016

Week 9 ... The week that was

a planning sort of week.

It started with a long weekend being spent at the little house. 
I came home to a wonderful package sent to me from an Instagram friend.  I've made some really amazing friends on there, and hope one day to meet up with a few. This one in particular. 
A little bit of spring showed its face, and Molly loved it.
I tried out a new hairdressers, and happy to say I like it. So this week, I'm back to have my grey taken away.
I can't tell you how embarrassed I was to put this out! ... Lets just say, I did a bigger order, in way of saying sorry.
I'm bullet journal obsessed.
My lovely friend and neighbour popped in ... I think to see me, but the bears think otherwise.
Maria (my neighbour) and I are starting up a new blog together ... which goes live tomorrow, so I'm very excited.  It will be full of the things that inspire us, recipes, interiors, health etc.
Having an Aga has always been my dream, so we called into the store at the weekend. My old cooker is needing some TLC, so its decision time.
We also called into the Farrow & Ball store! ... Seriously, how many shades of white are there, and why can't I pick one. I'm leaning towards either Wimborne White or Pointing (I think).
Simon decided it was time to teach the bears about the finer things on tv, which meant watching the rugby lol

And finally Sunday, was pretty much like the last Sunday, just a different home but still chilling by the fire.

Have a great week friends.


  1. You have such a wonderful home Sandra and I love how you let us all into your life !! Can't wait to see the new blog !!

    hugs Diane xx

  2. oh, a new blog - intriguing - make sure you give us the link to it as soon as it goes live!
    My friend has an Aga and it's so lovely to go round her house in the winter and just sit in the warm glow that comes from it - took her a while to get used to cooking things in an oven which has no temperature dial but now she says she couldn't cook on anything else!

  3. Ooh hope we'll get a link to your new blog :-) xxx looks a great week I'm with Simon and the rugby xx

  4. Looks like another great week has gone by! And a new blog sounds like FUN - looking forward to seeing the INSPIRATION!

  5. That aqua coloured Aga lovely - wish my kitchen was big enough to have one.
    Look forward to seeing the new blog.
    Toni xx

  6. Love all of your pictures and your home Sandra. And as for those gorgeous bears..... xx

  7. It looks like you had a really lovely week x


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