Tuesday, 1 March 2016

A new blogging adventure

At the end of January, my friend and neighbour Maria and I were doing our usual discussing a million different subjects over coffee, and it occurred to us that others might also be interested in some of the things that we were chatting about

I mean, I love hearing about Maria's latest recipes, or her advice for me on which are the best vitamin tablets to help me.

I also text her for advice on products that I'm thinking of buying (as usually she has them lol)

She in turn (I think) lets me waffle on about project life or what paint I'm thinking of doing our kitchen in, etc.

So, with that in mind, we've started a blog.  You'll find it full of all things that inspire us; from interiors, health, product reviews, recipes and so much more.

Its an exciting project and I can't wait to see how it grows and where it goes.

If you get a chance, please pop on over and say hello.  I'm hoping to set up a twitter account and an IG account for it ... along with playing with the blog design itself.

Friends Over The Fence 

A big thanks goes out to Simon for coming up with the name ... it really couldn't have been better for us.


  1. It's a great name and I wish you all the very best with it

  2. Ooh exciting! I'm off for a nosey x

  3. Sounds like it will be a great place to visit. Will add to my favourites when I get home (work PC doesn't let me link up).
    Toni xx

  4. Have added it to my favourites...looking forward to following along! xx

  5. I'll definitely check it out, good luck.
    Sue x

  6. Sounds great, good luck! Will pop over and have a look now.

  7. What a great idea, I look forward to reading it x

  8. Ooh! Good luck with th new venture x off to have a peek :)


Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and leave me a message. It means a lot x