Monday, 2 November 2015

Goodbye October ... Hello November

Goodbye October, and thank you for the lovely weather you bought us. I'm thinking that some of the days were probably warmer than summer. I do love our crazy weather.

It was a lovely creative month, and I kept to my "do something creative everyday" and its got me feeling like I want to continue doing the same this month too.

So the highlights were, celebrating my cousins birthday, winter clothes coming out and getting my engagement ring fixed.  Also, Jo came around to craft all day; we had a fabulous day at a terrier walk and I'm getting myself into full Christmas mode by ordering our food and baking my cake.

There you have it a good month for sure. I've really enjoyed taking a snapshot of my daily life each day, its also a great reminder for me as I'm so behind on project life.

I'll leave you a the letter that arrived the other day .... I'm hugely proud of raising so much, while just having coffee with friends.

Simon is off this week and his mum is also spending a few days with us, so a few lazy days are planned.  Have a lovely week friends x


  1. It looks like you had a really fabulous month. Well done on raising so much money for such a good cause xx

  2. yay for a fab month and Christmas is getting closer!! Remember the marzipan cake recipe! thank you xxx

  3. A lovely look at your month! Have a great November!

  4. A great idea to do something creative each day. Does blog reading count? I seem to manage that! Well done on the fund raising - such a good feeling isn't it? Have a great November x

  5. Super total for the fund raising - well done.
    Another lovely collection of photos to round-up October.
    Enjoy your week.
    Toni xx

  6. Hope you have lots of christmas craft inspiration to keep you crafting this month.

  7. Well done you on raising so much money, loved seeing your whole month in photos too.

  8. Congratulations on raising a lot of money!! Thanks for sharing your snap shots - I'm so nosy I love things like this xx

  9. That's a fantastic total to have raised. Well done you.


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