Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Its the little things

Playing with pretty paper is almost as much fun, as playing with these two cuties ... ok, maybe not. But its still the most perfect way to capture the happiness these two bears bring to me.

This layout is how my view looks most days, as a toy is shoved at me and they want to play.


  1. What a lovely LO Sandra. That photo is adorable.
    Toni xx

  2. Nothing like playing......with pretty paper or dogs.

  3. I'm liking all the touches of gold, that seem to be very on trend right now. Who could resist those two faces. I'm amazed you have time for anything else at all.

  4. Arrr bless them Sandra !! One fab layout !!

    hugs Diane xx

  5. Ooooo, love the interaction of gold with those bold colors. Fab layout.

  6. Gorgeous photo - really captures your view! Love the page too a Dan the combination of fun colours, phrases and gold.

  7. FUN page - I really like all the gold accents to capture your daily view!

  8. Such a gorgeous layout with such a fun photo x


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