Thursday, 12 November 2015

Gathering my thoughts

Some days you just need to sit down and gather your thoughts, don't you.

I think, Christmas is pretty much on my mind most of the year really. I love it. No getting away from it, I'm obsessed. So today, you'll find me making some notes on things like, colour schemes, crafting projects, new recipes to try and cookies to bake.

You'll also find me thinking of new and unusual passwords, as sadly my PayPal account was hacked.

So all in all, its defiantly a sit down with a cup of tea, and make some plans and well, pretty planners, make it all that much more fun.

I do of course have more than one Christmas board over on Pinterest, but here's the main one, if you're interested.  I share some of the others with you another time.

Do please let me know, if you have a Christmas board, as I'd love to pop over and have a look.


  1. Have fun with the planning. I do have a board, called Deck the Halls I think, but it only has about a dozen things on it. I'm not a very prolific Pinner!

  2. I'm afraid I don't "Pin"...I have enough trouble keeping up with blogging LOL
    Some lovely ideas in that photo.
    I'm rather behind at the moment - I printed out the pages for my Christmas planner and they are still sitting on my desk. Must get that sorted this weekend otherwise Christmas will be over.
    Toni xx

  3. I'm so cross for you about the hacking! Argh! I do have a board called "This year I'll be ready" but I haven't had time to pin anything on it for ages.

    1. The good news today Sian, is that PayPal have accepted that my account was hacked and will pay back the money within 5 days.

  4. Bummer @ PayPal! What a fun Christmas board. I'm just getting on Pinterest a little & have set up a Bible Journaling Board.

    1. Melissa, I have a bible journaling board as well. I need to pin your blog posts to it. x

  5. So sorry to heat about the hacking....and passwords are the bane of my life!!

  6. It's so annoying that you have to change all of your passwords due to hackers! Enjoy your planning xx


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