Monday, 7 September 2015

Me on a Monday

You find me on this post birthday Monday, enjoying what I think I remember is called "sunshine". Yes, summer has been rubbish but I'm holding out for a late one ... I don't need it to be super hot or anything, just please a few days without rain would be lovely.

So it was a celebrating weekend; full of friends and happy times.

My birthday on Friday started off with a visit to the hospital. Nothing unexpected, but Simon has to have an operation on his feet and ankles; but we'll know more and which type after the MRI this week.

Then it was a park playing with the bears, out for an evening meal sort of day.  I'm super lucky to have my neighbours as some of my closest friends; and a few popped in.  Much to the bears joy that one in particular did. They are slightly ... ok, not so slightly in love with their Aunty Maria.

Saturday saw puppy school starting again, cropping with friends and even my cousins came over.  Then Sunday was a sorting the garden (builders are taking too long) and gazebo building day.

I leave you by waving a thank you to Sian for this lovely Monday idea, and with my weekly marker that I do on a Monday on my phone which helps me no end with keeping my photos in check, if and when I ever manage to catch up with Project Life.

Have a lovely week friends and I hope the sun is shining where you are x


  1. Happy Happy belated birthday Sandra! I'm sorry to hear about the operation..I'm keeping my fingers crossed for that MRI for him.

    Have a lovely week. I hope the sunshine stays around! Oh, and instagram? Steady on, I haven't actually posted anything yet :)

  2. Belated birthday wishes to yoooo!!!! Hope hubby is ok xx Thanks for sharing xx

  3. It looks like you had a really lovely weekend xx

  4. We've had a summer full of sunshine, but it's been too hot to enjoy the past two months! Wishing for a cool breeze here soon. Sounds like it was a wonderful birthday weekend!

  5. Glad that you had such a lovely birthday weekend :)

  6. so lovely to see your birthday photos - sounds like a perfect day. Hope Simon's okay and his impending surgery doesn't put him out of action for too long x

  7. I think I wished you happy birthday on Facebook - but if I didn't I hope you had a lovely day and best wishes for the year ahead. Looks like you have had a lovely weekend, have a great week x

  8. Sorry I missed your birthday...sending you belated wishes & hugs!! Looks like you had a busy weekend full of lovely things & especially family & friends to share it with. I will be thinking of Simon & hope his surgery goes well!! All our love T, Ian & girls xxx

  9. Looks like a fabulous birthday weekend. Hope the hospital results are what you want to hear. Have a good week x

  10. Ooooh belated Birthday Wishes sweetie !! Sounds as though you had a great time over the weekend !! Simons op sounds like a big thing !!

    hugs Diane xx

  11. Your bracelet is beautiful! I love the colours! Your weekend sounded great! Love your bears x


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