Saturday, 1 November 2014

Day 5... Week in the Life

Day 5 was Halloween, and its now turned into a bit of a tradition that my lovely friend Michelanne and her kids drop by, but other than one other group of kids, we actually didn't have many knock for sweets. So come Monday, they'll be making their way to my friend Emma, for her children to eat. I daren't keep them in the house for long.

Anyway, here is what day 5 looked like.  Simon had to come home early for a dental appointment - he's so good, he told the nurse what I was doing, so she took a photo of him in the chair for me.

This weekend, I'm also starting my Christmas baking, so out came my old Della book.

Have a fun weekend, see you tomorrow.


  1. Your cake looks delicious Sandra :)

  2. Well done Simon! I love it when our other halves get involved like this!

  3. good ole Simon....think he likes being on your pages Sandra :) Delia is my go to favourite for receipes x

  4. Good on you Delia! Can't bear to think about Christmas though I know it will soon be here ...eek!

  5. Well done you on starting the Christmas baking. Some of those cookbooks are also sitting on my bookshelves - perhaps I should be thumbing through them for some ideas.
    Toni xx

  6. Haha! Smiling at this because I'm going to the dentist tomorrow and was just wondering if I had the nerve to ask him to take my picture for Me on Monday!

    Big Delia fan here too. I did my first married Christmas without her and the next year I bought the book and it has come out every year since

  7. Looks like a lovely day and what gorgeous visitors you had!


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