Friday, 31 October 2014

Week in the Life ... Day 4

Day 4 found me catching up with housework chores. So this really is what my everyday tends to look like.

In the last set of pictures, you'll see a gorgeous Christmas tree was delivered. Yes, its gold and its for the little house ... ooohhh so exciting.

Also, my driving licence was returned to me, with 5 points on. If anyone reading travels on the M25 ... beware cameras are on, all the time!  Also, Simon got an email saying he was slimmer of the month in our group, and the last picture was my box of Christmas goodness, while sorting out for my Daily December.

I'll be back tomorrow with more.

Thank you for sticking with me x


  1. Ouch at the penalty points - although Australian police are much more stringent that the UK .... I've already had a big fine and lost points too!
    Your photos are beautifully clear - do you take them on your phone, or an SLR? This is what my day largely looks like too, minus the Christmas tree - a beauty! x

    1. Sadly Alison, I got a fine too :(

      I use my phone for all my day to day photos; but really do think I need to dust off my SLR more.

  2. Sorry to hear about the points....but well done to Simon.

  3. Some great pictures but a shame about the housework and the points. Well done to Simon, he's doing a great job xx

  4. All the cleaning products are what my week looks like. Well done to Simon....shame about the points x

  5. Well done to Simon.

    Sorry to hear about the points. Ack.

    We share the same taste in vacuum cleaners (and Mr Sheen,which I have always bought because my Mum always did. Never Pledge. Now I'm wondering if your Mum was a Mr sheen girl too!)

    1. It's funny, now you mention it, I never buy any other brand than Mr Sheen. I wonder if it is because Mum used it too

  6. Well day 4 was an up and down day for you both !! :)

    hugs Diane xx

  7. Some good and bad here! Sorry to hear about your points, but great for Simon! Love the tree too!

  8. Congrats to Simon, sorry about the points - to be honest don't think we are ever on the M25 when anything is moving fast enough to speed. At least you are being honest and sharing what really happens day to day. I'm a Mr Sheen girl too!!

  9. Oh no! Adam got a speeding ticket a couple of weeks ago too. Luckily he can take the course and avoid the points. Yay for Simon being slimmer of the month. That's a terrific loss. I'm neither a Pledge or Mr Sheen girl, but a damp duster, to avoid the chemicals and triggering asthma.

  10. More great photos. Congrats to Simon and sorry to hear about the points. That tree looks fab - can't wait to see the photos of it in the little house all set up and sparkly.
    Toni xx

  11. Wow, what a great weight loss - go Simon - will he be Mr Slinky?


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