Saturday, 1 November 2014

Day 6 ... Week in the Life

Day 6 is the weekend and what a lovely day it's been. I really can't believe how lovely the weather has been, even better we've been spending it at the little house.
I'm actually writing this on my phone, so I'm hoping it looks ok. 

Happy Sunday to you all. 


  1. I'm so impressed that you can blog from your phone. It's beyond me! The weather was glorious yesterday and we were by the sea too.

  2. Such a lovely day yesterday (although here it didn't start too well - heavy drizzle).
    How great to have been able to make the most of the weather by being by the sea.
    Have a great Sunday.
    Toni xx

  3. The blog looks great! I think I must be a very nosey person as I have thoroughly enjoyed the peek into,your life thus week!

  4. Also very impressed with the phone blogging here!

    Happy Sunday to you too

  5. Looks like a lovely day....wasn't the weather perfect.

  6. What a lovely relaxing set of photos!


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