Monday, 20 October 2014

Little House Makeover

Happy Monday friends.

We spent a lovely weekend at the little house, making it more of our home, and we're certainly getting there.

I thought it might be nice if I start showing you some of the project we've been working on, and the first ... which I'm really proud of is, the old piano.

As some of you know, the house used to belong to Simon's Nan, and when we bought it a few years ago, a lot of the family took what they wanted from it and left what they didn't. Well, the piano was one of those that no body wanted.  To be honest, I was over the moon, as I had plans for it anyway.

So here it is, in all its glory.  I actually painted it before the house renovations started and before it went into storage - that way I didn't have to move it too much (its sooo heavy) and it didn't matter what mess I made with the paint around it.

Its funny, it was one of those projects that I really panicked over. As, although nobody wanted it, it had always been in the family and well, you know what people are like over change. But I'm happy to say, everyone that comes into our home, falls in love with it.  I painted it with Annie Sloan chalk paint, and yes, I still have the stool to do and make a new seat cover, but oh I love chalk paint.  I haven't waxed it, as I think over time, I'll need to do more painting over it, and ... uummm, I still may make a few tweaks to it.

I've been upcycling lots of furniture and knick knacks and I will show them all with you. Saying all that, I still have lots to do, but I'm really loving it.


  1. Love the new piano colour !! Does it still play and can you play Sandra ?? It would be a shame if nobody plays it because it must hold so many memories.....

    hugs Diane xx

    1. I don't play Diane, but yes it still does get played by other family members, especially at parties.

  2. Love seeing a piano in such a vibrant colour.

  3. It looks wonderful - I love the colour.

  4. Love all your little house posts - it is coming on so well. The piano looks fab!!

  5. oh wow. It looks fantastic. I need you at my house to revamp some chairs lol x x

  6. What a lovely colour Sandra - I look forward to seeing the fabric you have for the stool.
    Toni xx

  7. It's beautifu it!! Hope you're doing fine..xx

  8. It's such a beautiful colour. The Little House wouldn't look out of place in a magazine.

  9. Glad you're getting it more homely and a great job you're doing of it too!

  10. Wow - the piano turned out fabulous! I like the color you chose & that you're upcycling older pieces. I have a few items I want to work on - they're in the attic now, but could live in the house if I get them repaired/refinished! :)

  11. That looks really lovely, I can't wait to see what you do to the stool x

  12. Well, that color is fab. I can't wait to see how you transform the seat.


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