Saturday, 25 October 2014

Craft Room revamp

For a while now I've realised that my craft room doesn't quite work.  I regularly have a shuffle around of stash, or have a clear out and clear up, but for some reason it doesn't quite gel.

Well, a few things happened recently. Firstly, when I went to a local crop, and I took only a small amount of stash, and found I was more productive than I usually am when I take nearly half of my craft room.  So that got me thinking.

I need my craft room to stay as a room so that I can craft in it everyday, without unpacking a crop bag and searching in boxes and draws ... and that sadly means "forget the pretty, it needs to be functional".Also, I need to keep on hand ready to go supplies for crops. To be honest, most of the time that will be my Studio Calico kit. But .... all this means, I need to get my act together and get things sorted once and for all!

So firstly, I tried doing a sort out in and around the mess, well that didn't work. So I decided to almost empty my room completely. I did at one point worry this was a tad drastic, but I'm pleased to say, I'm getting there. I'll share with you some photos over time, on how I'm organising it, but its still very much a work in progress, and is going to take me some time but I thought I'd show you first how I've set up a little work station for me to crack on with Project Life.

I was very lucky to win on Instagram, a place on the Big Picture Catch up class, and they have a set of pre-challenges, and one of those is to organise your basic supplies, and start printing out your photos. So this is what I've done

This was the table that my sewing machine was on, but for now while I'm on the class, I'm going to keep my album here and my everyday project life basics.

My photos, inks, stamps and things that say a certain month or season, are kept in here.

 Here are my everyday project life stamps

This little folder is where I'm keeping my photos, in weeks

And this little box will hold my memorabilia, that is going to be slipped into my album. 

So there you have it, my project life station.  I'll keep you posted with the class, and how well I'm doing with catching up.

Hope you're all having a fun weekend. I'm hoping to be back on Monday with a Me on a Monday post. 


  1. You certainly look as if you are getting yourself organised.
    Toni xx

  2. I am trying really hard to organise mine too...your's is looking good!
    Alison xx

  3. Oh to be organised Sandra !! Good for you sweetie, this is one thing for sure I will NEVER be !!

    Now back to my tax return..........

    hugs Diane xx

  4. That looks so organised and I know it will work for you. Enjoy the class x

  5. It's looking good! Hope you enjoy the class. I'm tidying one of my large drawers this afternoon - well that's the idea anyway!

  6. Looks like you've made a great start. I'm so envious of anyone who has a place they can leave out scrapping supplies/a sewing machine to come back to as and when. My poor machine was neglected for over two months because the time taken to get it out and clear away again, so we can eat, would have used up all the creating time!

  7. I especially love those splashes of my favourite duck egg blue.

    Honestly, you should see the mess I'm working in at the minute. It's a disgrace. I tend to leave stuff out where I can see it so that I don't forget I have it - but I don't need ALL of it out. You're right - a nicely edited selection is best.

  8. What time shall I expect you to start on mine ;) ?

  9. Well done on getting so far...I think your right sometimes we need to take drastic measures in order to sort out the mess!! I'm looking forward to getting to grips with mine once my crafty shack is finished so I'm very interested to see what works for you!! Enjoy your class & catching up on PL Txx

  10. Your desk looks really organised - I hope it helps you to be really productive. Pre getting the expedit units I did have to totally clear the room and have a huge sort out in one go but lots of stuff did sneak it's way back in - at least now with the expedits I can sort one cubby hole at a time

  11. Great PL station! I'm not doing PL, but I've collected quite a few of the cards this past year. The other day, I found a container to store them in right on my desk, so I can grab a few when I want to add them to a layout or divided page protector.

  12. It looks so pretty and tidy. Good luck on keeping/catching up. I'll be rooting you on.


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