Friday, 11 October 2013

Cozy Time

I love this time of year, when the season changes and the nights are starting to draw in. Don't get me wrong I adore summer, and especially the summer we've just had. If we could have a really hot hot summer and a cold and snowy winter, I'd be over the moon.

Still, October is just such a lovely month ... all those leaves on the floor, winter boots coming out of the cupboard and of course Christmas, only 75 days away, what's not to love.

I apologise now for having been a bad blogger (again), but with the nights drawing in and cozy times sitting in front of the fire, I hope to change all that.

Anyway, I've been busy this week putting away summer in our home, and bringing touches of Autumn to it, so here are a few things I've been changing.

Plants and Door Wreath

Candles got changed over ... love this scent

Yipppeeeee .... Winter boots make a return

 No point letting these beauties go to waste from the garden

 The bunting came down and the autumn candles came out

Artificial flowers got changed over for a warmer feel
I changed over the flowers on our wall to these leaves that I cut out and inked
Changed over my pots 
I don't even mind sweeping up the leaves and fallen fruit ... yes, the boy isn't the greatest of helps when I'm trying to photograph - but he does like to get in a shot :)

And lastly, this is going to be keeping me happy with my post it notes for the next few nights.
I've also been having a lovely time catching up with my blog reading, so I promise to try my best and be a better blogger.
Catch you later x


  1. It's great to see you back and blogging. I love this time of the year, when there's a chill in the air, the colours are amazing and it's (mostly) dry! Eddie should be in every picture you put on your blog! :) x

  2. My favourite time of the year :) love to get all Little House on the Prairie and thinking about canning things for winter! A lovely round up

  3. Wow have been all your little changes..xx

  4. Haha...that should be "love" xx

  5. Lovely fall decorations - I put mine out last week since the temperatures have finally cooled into the 80s! :>)

  6. I love the season changes too... But today has been so cold wet and windy that I wish it was still summer. I'm loving your wreath x x

  7. I wasjust thinking today that it's time to get some autumn colour around the your little touches,
    Alison xx

  8. I do love Autumn for all the wonderful colours that Mother Nature brings but I don't like the wet windy weather we are having at the moment.

    Beautiful Autumn touches to your home. I love candles too and love spice/food smells such as Kitchen Spice (reminds me of bread pudding), cinnamon, Spiced orange.

    Thank you for your lovely comments
    Toni xx

  9. Wow you have a super home Sandra and how lovely that you change it to suit the seasons !! Must say I just adore the autumn colours but not the dark mornings and nights !!

    hugs Diane xx

  10. Love the changes you have made to your home Sandra, you have inspired me now..... X

  11. Gosh you have been busy and your house and garden look lovely!

  12. Wow, I love all your little Autumn-y changes! I would love to be that organised and have decor that I could change with the seasons like that. You've inspired me to get my scented candles out though :-)

  13. I love all your autumn touches and am also loving layering up and boots.

  14. Ooh yes, I'm a happy girl to have my boots on again!

  15. I have to admit that I really don't like the cold but on the other hand I don't like it too hot either! I was happy to wear my winter boots for the first time today. Love your leaves on the wall.

  16. great to see you blogging again Sandra x
    Love all the leafy touches in your home.

  17. loving all the autumnal changes to the house, garden and your feet!

  18. Love everything that you have done in your home and love that you dog photo bombed your garden photo Sandra :) xx

  19. Your home (and garden) look very cozy. Love your boots too. Here's to warm winter nights and couch creativity :-)

  20. Lovely autumnal post - love how you change your decor to suit the seasons (must admit I am way too lazy to bother - apart from one picture that we change to a winter themed one as the clock's change). If you want snow this winter can you please just keep it to where you live - I am a snowaphobe as it means I can't leave the house - I am not looking forward to another winter of being marooned in the house and having to cancel all my appointments.

  21. Your house and garden look wonderful Sandra.

  22. Loving the change of decor in keeping with the season and what fabulous boots too! love Eddie getting in on the action too, so cute. Great plants in the garden and a gorgeous autumnal wreath on the door too!


  23. Love the way you are celebrating the change of the seasons! That would make an awesome scrapbook page....

  24. all those autumnal photos they're gorgeous. If I can work out how on earth to film myself scrapping....I will - might have to get DH to help me :)

  25. Can we have a Christmas update please? Your decorations this year are just gorgeous.


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