Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Life after Google Reader

I'm sorry I've been missing in action again; and I hope someone out there is still reading my blog. 

This post is asking for help; can I ask, what are you using now to read blogs with?  I've downloaded the app for bloglovin and feedly on to my ipad, which is what I used to do all my blog reading from - but neither of them are really clicking with me.  I know, I've been very bad not reading blogs recently, but I'd like to start again, but where!

Although this post hasn't any photos, I'll do a proper post soon; I've been busy, so please don't think I've just been sunbathing in the garden lol (although, I am loving this weather). I've been busy sorting out things for our Silver Wedding Anniversary party - yes, it was a last minute decision, but I'm happy that we're doing it now. Also, I've been on a couple of course recently; crochet, dressmaking and free motion embroidery .... all of which I'll tell you about soon.

If you are still reading; and can help me ... thank you x


  1. Hi Sandra
    I couldn't get on with bloglovin but I'm quite happy with feedly although I can't get it working on my ipad anymore :(
    Happy 25th anniversary and enjoy your party :)

    1. Thank you Lesley, I think I'll concentrate on Feedly for a while.

      Our Anniversary isn't until the end of the month, but thank you for your wishes.

  2. Hi Sandra,

    I'm still reading :) I use Feedly but I use an app called Reeder to read my feed on my iPhone. I don't get on with the Feedly app and much prefer Reeder. Happy Anniversary!


    1. I've just checked and I actually downloaded the app reeder on my ipad, so I'm going to try and get the hang of it x

      And thank you for the anniversary wishes, it's not until the end of the month, but I keep thinking back to all the excited that was happening this time 25 years ago :)

  3. I read them from my blogger dashboard....can't seem to get on with Bloglovin.

    Good luck with the party preps x

  4. I'm beginning to get the hang of Bloglovin [though I certainly ain't lovin it] took me ages to realise if I clicked the cross in the top right corner it took me out of Bloglovin and onto the actual blog....there's a lot of blogs I can't leave comments on if I'm actually in Bloglovin!!
    I sure do miss Google Reader!!

    1. ooh thanks for that top tip Jacky I hadn't realised about the cross either!

  5. I loaded Bloglovin quite early in the proceedings to try and give myself time to get used to it - I just can't get the hang of it. I don't have an iPad or iPhone so I'm still reading on my Blogger dashboard. I'm not sure what was happening with Google reader but I still seem to have access via my dashboard to all the folk I follow via Google friend.

    How lovely to be preparing for such a special occasion.

    Toni xx

  6. Sadly, there doesn't seem to be anything quite the same, but as I said to you earlier I'm leaning towards Feedly. My blog reading/commenting is very sporadic at the moment. Not good with change!

  7. I went over to Bloglovin a while ago and think I am used to it though obviously have more to learn (as Jacky has just demonstrated lol!)

  8. I have tried Blogloving Feedly and have settled, for the time being on The Old Reader. I find I have to open a blog to comment on it and often think I will go back and do it later and then forget. I miss Blogger and must say that although The Old Reader is similar it is not as good.

  9. Weirdly I never used Google Reader but I love getting the daily email from Bloglovin which then prompts me to go and check it out - still getting to grips with it and thanks to Jacky for the tip about how to get into the actual blog as some blogs wouldn't let me leave a comment whilst I was in the reader.

  10. Feedly seemed easier than Bloglovin ... and I've stuck with it, but I don't know about apps as I don't have a smart phone ... just a laptop ... which doesn't make calls ;-(

  11. Couldn't get feedly to work for some strange reason. So jumped in with Bloglovin and haven't found it that bad. I enjoy getting a daily email with all the new feeds. I think I will probably read more that way. Glad you are hanging in. I look forward to hearing about your classes.

  12. Sorry Sandra I can't help with this :( I'm just using my favoutites list which is mighty time consuming :(

  13. Hi Sandra...Happy belated Silver Wedding Anniversary wishes to you and yours. I can remember clearly my own celebration but that was such a long time ago now! *Ü* In fact it's only another 6 years before my golden!!! Eek! LOL. Sorry I am not able to help with your quest to find another blog reader. It has been a difficult year for me this year and it's not over yet! Fil is now in a care home and not too good, so if he doesn't 'make it', it will be a whole generation of mine wiped out this year! I know you can understand how I might be feeling. I do hope you are healing from your experiences of late. Take care. ~Glen~

  14. Hello, Happy Wedding Anniversary too...just popped over to say hello really :) I tend to use bloglovin, though I never used a reader and mostly went with the bottom of my blogger dashboard and then linked in any of the sites I couldn't use blogger for on one of my reader slides on my blog! Hope you are enjoying the sunshine :)


Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and leave me a message. It means a lot x