Thursday, 18 August 2011

Crop Layouts

Just to prove I do actually do something at crops other than chatter and help keep Starbucks afloat, I'd thought I'd share with you a couple of layouts I did at the last Saturday crop.

The first is explaining, that I've finally joined Facebook - I'm still working my way around it, and I'm not quite addicted to it as some said I'd be, but to be honest, these days I'm trying my best not to be so obsessed  with the computer and actually get on with more crafty fun.  But, that's not to say I still don't spend a far bit of my time either attached to my laptop or ipad. 

The second layout was about me going to work for my husband! .... I go ever so often into London with him, and do the admin work in the office - but this particular day, although I went with the idea to do that - he first took me to breakfast at the most amazing place called, Cecconi's and then if that wasn't enough, all I managed to do in the office was go with him to a couple of meetings, where he told me to wait in Costa's for him until he'd finished and then I left him to go and meet some friends for the Vintage Fair! ... I'm thinking soon, he'll cotton on that more of a hindrance in the office than any real help.

As to my craft room clear out ... well that's still a work in progress, but I'll be back soon to share what I've done with it.


  1. I love that you did a layout about joining Face Book. That's a great idea. I might have to do one about finally caving in to Pinterest.

  2. Great Lo's and I'm sure just having your company is enouugh for your husband x

  3. Two great layout! I really like your use of patterned paper & the little bits & pieces. I haven't dove into Facebook yet, just not sure if I want one more place on the Internet to look at stuff & update. I really enjoyed the story of your day "at work" with your hubby. Gosh, I could go for a job like that. LOL

  4. both layouts are great Sandra and welcome to the world of facebook!

  5. Two very interesting LO`s Sandra !! And work should be FUN !!

    hugs Diane xx

  6. hello! good to see you've been productive! sorry for the absence, I've been kinda busy :-) and will be until mid Sept. but i'll drop in as much as I can! x

  7. Fabulous LOs! Love the pictures (especially the cakes LOL!). Kim

  8. Lovely LOs - I love the cakes too LOL

    Toni xx

  9. Love both LOs, Sandra..sounds like a fun time when you go to work with your hubby!
    Alison xx

  10. Hmmmm..... maybe I should do a layout about leaving facebook? *lol*
    I use the dreaded FB for collecting photographs of my kids and grandkids that are posted for me.... other than that it's definitely a place I avoid on the www *lol*

  11. These are two great layout but I especially like the second one with the paper strips and the chipboard elements - very pretty. glad to hear your clear out is still ongoing - it'll be worth it in the end!!!

  12. They are fab Sandra loving the colours in the second one especially x I have to come up to one of your Saturday crops I am a Starbucks addict and can come abandon scrapping to grab coffee and be naughty with you rather than being told off by you lol

  13. Love these colours! Don't get involved in facebook, it will suck you under. I wish I had never gone on! Wish I was closer, your crops sound fun.

  14. Love your layouts Sandra, glad you feel you are starting to get on and get stuff done!

  15. great layouts and I am REALLY loving the kind of help your husband needs at work :)

  16. Gorgeous LOs....I'm still finding my way around facebook too!!! - I'll have to find you on it :) Love the colours in the food LO and that looks like a fine breakfast...keep 'helping' at the office as coffee and food help - you can't go wrong :D

  17. Ooh I could quite go for a job like that! Lovely LOs Sandra and best of luck with the craft room clearout xx

  18. I rarely go on FB anymore, in fact I've been thinking of closing my account :) I think spending less time on the computer is sometimes a good thing, for me it can be such a time eater and I just don't get the things done that I want :)

    Both layouts are gorgeous :)

  19. great lo's, your pages are always fab, makes me wanna get everything out and scrapbook, just wish i had chance! :(
    i just added a facebook like box to my blog, creating that page took me a whole afternoon and night, thought it would be much easier! lol xo

  20. The second one is my fave but then I love all things pink. Great work x

  21. Two great layouts and it's lovely to see you being so productive at the crops. Can't wait to see how your craft room is coming along :)

  22. Great LOs Sandra, I was lucky enough to see the red one irl and it is amazing. I didn't see the other one, but what a good idea and love the 'live with abandon' sticker!!

  23. Wow. Never seen so many comments! Fabulous blog. Thanks for your comment on my own blog.


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