Wednesday, 24 August 2011

The completed craft room

Well it took long enough, and I'm rather shocked at just what stash I had, but then every crafter says that, right?  Anyway, finally on Sunday, I finished the room - and with an armful of goodies given to next door, who's just been bitten by the scrapping bug - I can finally move in my gorgeous room.

The room was decorated and finished about 5 years ago, and my clever hubby built the shelving from a picture I pulled out of an old Creative Keepsakes, and as I'm sure you'll understand, every now and then I have a need to re-organise.  But I think this will keep me happy for the rest of the year :)

 But for now, I'm just going to stand and stare at my tidy room :)


  1. I'm not surprised it is beautiful - enjoy x

  2. Oh Sandra it looks lovely. When Sam's 18 can I come and live with you? lol x

  3. Wow! Wow! Wow! Your room is gorgeous and so tidy! I love all the shelving and storage ideas you have. Enjoy crafting in your lovely room! x

  4. What a beautiful room and so well organised.

  5. a gorgeous room....lucky you!

  6. Oh Sandra, your room is so beautiful!! Want to swap yours for mine??? LOL x x

  7. Oh it looks wonderful - enjoy!

  8. Beautiful room! Love all the natural light coming in. You did a wonderful job organizing your space.

  9. I don't blame you..what a wonderful scrap space..I love all the LOs etc around the walls!
    Alison xx

  10. Fab room Sandra !! May you have many wonderful crafting hours spent in your lovely room.......

    hugs Diane xx

  11. Sandra, that is a fabulous craft space...and sooooooooooo tidy. Well done on completing your re-organisation.

    Toni xx

  12. Looking good! Really like your layouts displayed on the wall and your comfey chair, perfect for a spot of reading x

  13. omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE your room, its heaven, I wanna come and play!! if I re did my room it would be just like this, looks so cosy, love the wall paper and chair!!! xx

  14. Your craft room is Beautiful!! I would love to sit in that winged back and take in all that room has to offer!

  15. looks so pretty! I bet you just love going in there and creating. You have such good light and all those pretty things decorating it must make it so inspiring!

  16. What a lovely room! I hope next door was happy with your bundle. I'm about to have a good clear out too, who knows what I will find?! Happy scrapping x

  17. It looks absolutely fabulous Sandra! I don't think I'd even need to be crafting to enjoy myself in there: I could just sit and look!

  18. Well, who knew that hub was so handy? Not just a pretty face! You'll be pleased to hear that I am embarking on a craft room re-organisation which will lead to the long awaited photos! I adore the feather boas, and might need to encorporate some into my little crafting palace!

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. You have a very clever hubby indeed those shelves are fantastic, I now have shelf envy. What a pretty room I think you should sit in your comfy chair and admire it.

  21. What an absolutely wonderful room.

  22. Just tidy (I am to ashamed to show my room) :D

  23. It's looking good Sandra, but how long will it take you to mess it up? Fab craft room...sooo jealous, I have to share with hubby;(

  24. What a wonderful space - such great light and so organized! I could craft in there all day long!

  25. Wow, Sandra!! I have craft room envy!! You have made that so pretty but practical. Aren't clever husbands worth their weight in gold?!
    Thank you for the lovely comment you left on my post this week. I'm still working on my new craft room but if it looks half as good as yours
    I'll be in seventh heaven too.
    Enjoy your room, like Sian said, I wouldn't need to create, just sitting in that wonderful space would be enough (well, for a time at least!)

  26. I'd want to stand and stare too, well maybe sit. What a lovely tranquil space to create in xx

  27. Wow Sandra - it looks beautiful and very tidy!

  28. Wow - it looks wonderful,now I need to go and seriously tidy mine up!

  29. What a lovely craft room! It is so light, pretty and organised! I expect you will love to sit and create there - I hope you really enjoy it :)

  30. Oh my god! I am so jealous, it looks fantastic, what a lucky girl!!

  31. hey Sandra - thanks so much for your comment on my blog this evening. you said such sweet words. thank you so very much. are you a member of pinterest yet? if not, I can send you an invite (I think!) and I've added a button on my blog to find me over there! see you there!

  32. That looks amazing, well done for your perseverance in tidying it all up so beautifully. and thank you for your kind comments on my blog xx

  33. Your space looks wonderful - you've plenty of room to spread out - and it's pretty, pretty, pretty. Nicely done.

  34. The room looks fantastic! Hope it gives you lots of inspiration and creative joy. :D

  35. Ooo...Sandra...what a lovely scraproom. *Ü* So much natural light. Your husband is very clever. He could be in business with us UKScrappers alone! *Ü* TFS. ~Glen~

  36. my room is nearly tidy...yours is just beautiful :)

  37. Oh your craft space is fabulous hon - enjoy - you deserve it, hope you are well, take care xxx

  38. Wow what a very clever hubby you have...I am still waiting for FLAT PACK furniture to be built that was bought last November...any chance of a loan of him for a wee

    Looks great - can't wait for my new craft room to be built...hopefully starting in another couple of weeks...

    Kirtsi xxx

  39. What a great space!!! You must be in heaven!!!! xoxo


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