Monday, 18 July 2011

Explore ... has started

I've often signed up for classes but never really completed them ... I'm sure I'm not alone there.  So when I signed up for Shimelle's latest class "Explore" - I set myself a challenge, to actually try my best to follow the prompts as they appear and, as often as I can actually join in the chatter on her forum.

So here we are, Day 1 of Explore!  Yes, I've made my playbook, and taken my self portrait! eekkk ... and even written my Note to Self - so, so far, so good.  Now I do think that some of my journaling is going to be kept quite and to myself so that I can really express how I feel - but I would like to share my first page with you.


18 July 2011: that's the date I'm starting Shimelle's "Explore" class - I need to get my creativitiy flowing! I've been lost for some time now, and with Mum's passing, it's just magnified things. So Jump in - that's my new motto!

Our first task, was to do a self photo - and although I did one at the beginning of the year for my "one little word" class (which is another thing that I've not done anything with) today's me, is a completely different person than I was on the 1st January. I'm not happy to be in front of the camera and as such I tend to like to photograph family members, pets or even houshold ojects - but this is a new me, who wants to do so much more - I want to learn, I want to be more creative - I want to explore who I really am, and what I'm capable of.

So Jump In Sandra! .... and don't worry if you mess up, it's only paper!

Ok, there it is is ... and also, I'm going to share my photo with you ... and well, this really is me - as I am normally and that is Nosey! ... you see, I was taking my photo in the mirror and then a delivery van pulled up outside, and true to the person I am - I had to have a little look see, and as I did - I clicked in error!  ... so of course, if it's about Explore - well, in a way I was exploring the outside lol.

and here is my front cover of my book - I first picked out pinks, as normal - but then realised I was going to try something different, I may well still add some more and tweek it a little, but for now, I'm happy with it.

Thank you for all your recent kind coments, it's meant a great deal to me - and please, feel free to nag me, if I don't do as I say, and keep up with the class :)


  1. I've just finished my note to self! I'm keeping some of mine private too for the same reasons. Well done on leaping in. I'm hoping to join in more - I'm usually a lurker - see you over there....

  2. Well done on getting your book done - I have just spent a very pleasant evening putting mine together and have written my note to self. I hope to get it posted on my blog tomorrow. Like you I am terrible at starting and not finishing but am determined this time.

  3. The book is looking good,I haven't made mine yet but have blogged a self portrait and thoughts :-)

  4. The book is looking good. I hope you enjoy the class and it sparks your mojo back into life.

    Toni xx

  5. Well done u for jumping in..I think we are all guilty of starting projects and not finishing them that's why a friend and I are on a stash busting/ UFO finishing challenge at the mo...2nd UFO competed tonight...onwards and upwards:0)))
    Take care..

  6. I signed up for this class too Sandra, so maybe we can keep each other accountable. I love your SP and the story behind it, made me laugh! Looking forward to "exploring" the rest of the class with you!

  7. Well done Sandra and I love you pic, so you :) I'm doing the class too but have only taken self portrait. Your book looks gorgeous and it's great that you're jumping in.....with both feet by the looks of it xxx

  8. Well done Sandra for making a're book looks fab..and nice to see a recent pic! I've not joined this class- I have houseguests next week, and then am back in the UK for a couple of weeks, so the timing's not good for me :(
    Alison xx

  9. great photo - looking off photo is so much more interesting I think

  10. I am just the same, i have so many none finished projects that i have stopped doing them.
    this is fabulous

  11. Great job on the cover, Sandra. I can't tell you how long I can keep up with comments and visiting the forum. Once the ball gets rolling in the class, it gets overwhelming to me. I will be looking out for your posts at the forum and see what you make with your pretty playbook.....

  12. So sorry to hear your news as to why you haven't bogged but glad to hear you are ok and getting back into the swing of things.

  13. This photo made me smile! Its very "me" too. Thought your Note to Self was great, very positive and affirming. The book looks great too.

  14. Well, good for you Sandra :) It can take courage to set out to deliberately give yourself something else to think about so I'm cheering you on and hoping you get a lot out of this class x

    ps I love the photo - let's see more of you!

  15. I love your self portrait and can just imagine have a good nose out of the window!!
    I'm guilty of doing absolutely nothing with OLW. In fact until you just mentioned it, I'd forgotten all about it!

  16. Lol - I love your nosey face - that is so you!! The cover looks just gorgeous as well and your note to self is fab :)

  17. Hope you manage to stay on track with this Sandra! I am just the same - start so many things and finish very few.

    Love the self portrait!

    I look forward to seeing more on this class :)


  18. Hello Sandra! I love your Explore cover:) I've already fallen off the wagon, but with good reason. Hope to do some tomorrow evening :)

  19. Oh Sandra, your self portrait is just fantastic!
    Thanks for dropping by over at my place, I am so glad you have been able to step back into blogging - this class is great so far .... I must get around to a few of the prompts!

  20. thanks for the comment my friend. I love that embossing die too, it was only £5.99 from my local art shop ... bargain :)x

  21. lovely cover, good luck with finishing the class :)

  22. I love your photo and front cover. I am behind already (nothing new there) but I hope to do some catching up at the weekend if time allows.
    This course may bring up memories and thoughts of your Mum. I had a recent loss (though not anyone so close) and I threw myself into creativity. It was very healing and helpful and my blog post was part of the process. I hope that Explore can help you through this difficult time too.

  23. I came over from the Explore classroom to say hi. Sorry for your loss.. I can't imagine how deeply upsetting that must be. On a lighter note I like your Playbook and thought your self portrait was funny.
    Mandy McK (Moogieof4)

  24. There's an award for you Mrs on my blog :) x

  25. Your cover looks great and I really like your picture. I think self-portraits are fun when you are not looking at the camera. Good luck with the class!

  26. Love the book you've made....I've missed the start of the class......away on need to get stuck in!!!

  27. I am trying to be more careful about the classes I sign up for these days as I never finish them either! This time around, it just wasn't in the budget but I'll be watching out for your pages here! The album you've created it great and I love the self-portrait. I love that you know you suddenly got curious about what was going on outside and that this is reflected in the picture! Good for you!

  28. I like your book. Are you enjoying this class

  29. Thanks for stopping by my blog. :) I haven't started the Explore class yet, hope that makes you feel better. Too many classes, so little time. lol

  30. Hi Sandra! Thanks for stopping by my blog today. So sorry to hear about your mom - that was a lovely poem in your previous post!

    How's the Explore class coming along?

  31. I saw the details or this class after it had already started. I was going to join anyway, and try to catch up, but I, like you, never finish these damn classes.
    Good luck with yours. I'd love to see an update soon.
    K xx


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