Friday, 30 July 2010

Our Anniversary

aawww, it's our 22nd Anniversary today :) ... how did I get to be so lucky?  And I know we all think our husbands are the best in the world! But I'm a very very lucky girl, he really is my Mr Wonderful. 

Simon bought me the most beautiful flowers today, and even saved the bag, so that I could take them away with me to Sheppey for the weekend to enjoy LOL.

Now my only question is ... how can I be married for 22 years, when I'm only 23 years old!  Very strange LOL.

Now I did also say, I'd share some of the amazing blogs I've found recently .... well, here is the first of many - oh, I've so got to try the receipe cards .... so do check out My Sweet Savannah Blogspot - she's one creative lady :)


  1. Ah, a child bride! well congratulations to you both and have a lovely weekend. x

  2. Congrats on your anniversary! The flowers are beautiful, and Simon is sooo thoughtful!

  3. Sandra, Many congratulations! It is our 22nd anniversary on Wednesday, isn't that funny? I love the thought of me running round making final preparations while you were tying the knot! Hope you have a great weekend

  4. Hi Sandra good to see you blogging again.

    Now I just need to get my laptop sorted so I have constant connection at home and a springkling of fairy dust to get me going again and I will get my blog up and running

    I am so pleased you have the house by the sea. That is and has always been my ultimate dream. Have fun decorating it

    Suzy xx

  5. Hi Sandra...Oh My Gosh - how can you have been married for 22 years??? You look far too young...only 8 years for us...Congratulations and hope you had a fab weekend...x


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