Wednesday, 28 July 2010

A New Adventure

Not that it's good enough really, but I do have an excuse for being a bad blogger recently and not keeping up with my blog reading & commenting much either ... although that, I'm now trying to catch up with :)  But in my defence, we've been pretty busy recently - you see, we've taken over Simon's grandmothers old house.  Sadly, Nan passed away a couple of years ago, at the most amazing age of 101 ... and she was and still is in my eyes, one of the most incredible women that I had the privilege to know. 

Anyway that aside, the house is just perfect .... it's a tiny, tiny house in Kent, right on the edge of the sea, and the creek flows right up past the edge of the back garden - I've lost hours watching the tide come in or out and the boats go by.  So yes, because of that, I am aware that it's likely to flood, so with that in mind - I'm having the time of my life thinking of ways to decorate it cheaply and in the perfect shabby chic style. 

It's not all been sunny days though - the house was just how Nan left it when she went into the home, more than 5 years ago ... although, certainly more spiders have taken residence in that time!  But we've had a good month now of clearing it of all furniture, clothes and knick knacks and as you can imagine that is taking some time.  Still, it's not a big rush and we're spending our weekends there anyway, so it's half the fun.  Anyway, here is a layout I did of the day we got the keys ... yup, I couldn't have been happier. 

So this blog, will now be a combination of craft related projects and also house makeovers ... I tell you, the blogs I've found recently for interiors ... wow, they'll blow your mind!  So, be prepared, I'll be sharing those too with you now :)


  1. That looks a really pretty spot and I'm looking forward to seeing the makeover.

    Missed your posts so good to have you back :)

  2. That looks gorgeous Sandra, book me in for a week next August! :) You must be having so much fun doing it up, can't wait to see how you get on x

  3. Ooh just the spot to have your retreat then!!!


  4. Hard work but fun and such a beautiful place

  5. It looks like a gorgeous place! More incentive to go to the UK. LOL Looking forward to seeing more photos of the house!

  6. Wow sounds like an amazing adventure. thanks for your continued lovely comments. trust me you wouldn't be able to see anything in my craft room its such a tip!!!! Hugs SaraH B X

  7. Wondered where you had been. The house sounds lovely, looking forward to seeing some pics of it. And btw you have chosen to update your blog with the same header as me....great minds and all that.

  8. Sandra, it sounds wonderful! And I'm looking forward to your decorating blog picks What would you say if I said my day job was doing up little houses?? I only like the little ones :)

  9. What an exciting adventure, can't wait to see all your projects and ideas.


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