Monday, 23 January 2017

Week 3

What an exciting week 3 it was for me.
It started out with the loveliest of surprises. As you know, I've been having coffee with my friend Emma now each week for must be 10 years, and its funny how we can still chat for England. Anyway, as I sat down at the table she handed me a beautiful plant and said it was for me. She'd seen it, and thought I'd like it.  I more than liked it.

Now the next part of my happy week had me jumping for joy.  My new sewing machine was available for me to pick up.  A quick background on it; I've been looking to change my machine for a couple of years, and keep going back and forth as to which model. So I spoke to a few people that do projects that I have planned, and one suggested I look at the Juki. I'd never heard of this brand before and was sort of leaning towards Janome. Well, I was blown away by it (and by the local shop that sold it to me).  Its a brand that is used more on the industrial side, but are now branching out to home sewers. Its got lots of buttons and gadgets that come as standard, so now I just need to read the book and practice, practice and practice some more.

Also this week, my cocoa daisy kit came; I downloaded my first proper book to my kindle (yes, I've had my kindle years, but never really got on with it lol).  The bears got mail, in the shape of new collars and leads and I went with my friend and neighbour Moira, for a coffee and cake.  So all in all you can see, I had a fabulous week.

It got even better, as we've been spending the weekend at the little house.  The sunsets and even sunrises have been stunning.  Its been very very cold and lots of fog, which has also mean cuddling around the log burner.  We also had a big delivery of kitchen units for our garage/workshop which is on the side of the house.  That's all part of my exciting new create venture for this year.  I'll share photos when its finished.
Have a lovely week friends, and I'm hoping to be back this week with a couple of ideas I've got for the blog (all thanks to Emma)


  1. Exciting things going on with you then! Enjoy that new sewing machine (not that you need any encouragement from me..)

  2. Ooh you've had a great week!!! Lots of goodies too - look forward to seeing your future makes :-) wanders off to try and make my week this exciting lol - oh no theres the ironing ;-) xx

  3. Sounds like there is plenty going on in your world at the moment.
    Have fun with your new machine.
    Toni xx

  4. Sounds like another lovely week Sandra. Lovely goodies to cheer your week up too.

    Jane xx

  5. Everyone got something new - how delightful. The pots of daffodils & tulips will soon be showing up in the stores & I cannot wait to get myself some. Have fun with the new sewing machine & a great week ahead at the little house.

  6. That is a very exciting week! I can't wait to see all of your creations xx

  7. Its so nice when someone thinks of you and brings a gift...sadly its usually me bringing a gift to a friend, but hay ho.

    I love these bright cold days, but boy have I suffered with my hands, the pain has been terrible...must be feeling my age !!

    hugs Diane xx

  8. Wow, it sounds like a wonderful week. A new sewing machine, a new plant, new scrapping goodies - you're going to be having lots of FUN!


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