Saturday, 3 December 2016

Goodbye November ... Hello December

I love summer don't get me wrong, but Winter has all the things I love (other than heat lol ... that's where the wood burner comes in).  So, I'm happy with these months, and November for me starts the fun off nicely.  The dark nights don't haze me, I can see the beauty in candles and cosy nights in.

So let me show you how winter has been starting for me.
Time spent at the little house, and the most gorgeous autumn days.  Seriously, the weather has been glorious.  Simon had to go into hospital for a day, for an operation on his feet, so spent a week at home resting.

Christmas baking has started; our Christmas cake for starters and then some baking for a friends bake sale.

I attended a calligraphy workshop at Fortnum & Mason, and went to a craft fair with my lovely friend Jo.  Simon and I attended a Christmas food demo day at the Aga shop, and I started cooking for the bears.

All things Christmas started; Simon surprised me with the most beautiful Advent beauty boxes from Liberty, and Emma & I swapped our yearly advent gift boxes. This year, I did a surprise one for my friend Maria, I hope she enjoys it. Christmas decorations started going up (it takes me a while), but we got a lovely new tree, so it's starting to look beautiful.

I've spent time with my lovely friends and neighbours at a dinner, and Simon started his round of Christmas dinners.

One more really exciting thing happened this month! An artist from Instagram contacted me, and is making a card from one of my photos of the bears.

All in all, I'm so excited that we're going into my favourite month .... let the festivities commence.


  1. The advent calendars you swap with Emma, always look like so much fun. I've always thought that Winter started on the 21st of December, but apparently meteorologically speaking it begins on the 1st of the month. Something new I learnt this week.

  2. I can't wait to see the finished card! It'll be a credit to your skill at capturing their personalities in a photo.

    Happy December Sandra

  3. You sound like you are well into December activities in November. I hope the season turns out to be all you are hoping.

  4. Lovely wrap up of the month. Oh cannot wait to see the Christmas card with The Bears featured, what fun.

  5. It sounds like November was the perfect month to get you warmed up for all of the lovely things that December brings x

  6. Looking forward to seeing your card :-) and intrigued as to what you get in your advent calendar - lucky girl :-) xxx hugs xx

  7. It looks like it was a FUN cozy month all around! How exciting about the Bears photo being used on a card!! Hope your December is off to a wonderful start!


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