Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Week 21 ... The week that was

Filled with happy memories

It would have been Dad's birthday on the 18th, and something we always did on both his and Mum's birthday's was to have a Chinese takeaway, it was their favourite. I can almost visualise us sitting down at their table, and Mum saying we'd ordered too much and we'd have to take some home with us lol.
So what did the rest of the week hold?  The sewing bee started ... oh I love that show. Simon and I have already picked who we thought would win. Only, Simon's choice went out in the first episode.

The plate rack finally turned up, but sadly, isn't painted very well, so I need to paint it again. On the plus side, we found the paint that we'd used for the wall in the garage, and its still good condition, so I think will be fine to cover up where the old unit was.

On our way to the little house, we called into the most amazing place called, Weathered and Worn, and had a little browse while having some lunch. I also got the most amazing surprise as someone I chat with on Instagram was sitting at a table having lunch when we walked in. Oh it was just perfect.

Then a lovely lovely long weekend was spent at the little house, and we've decided to have a good sort out of all the things I've stored there, that belonged to Mum & Dad, and we'll phone a charity and ask them to come and get most of the bits. I think I'm finally in a place where I can let these bits go.  I also decided to tackle the mess that is supposed to be a craft room.

There you have it.  A lovely week was had, we all love spending time at the little house, it really feels like you're on a little holiday.

I've also been having a little think about this blog, and I've realised I'm really only showing you these weekly round up's so, I'm hoping to change that, and maybe I should share with you more of the things I've been doing in and around our home.    So I apologies now if I go a little off topic from time to time, as I need to have a little play around with my blog and see what works and what doesn't.


  1. That's a lovely photo collage with its sea blues.

    Sewing Bee? I think our local girl will win it!

  2. Enjoyed the snaps, it sounds like a lovely week. And have fun with your blog fiddling - I've been giving that some thought myself as I think I am in blogging rut.

  3. I always love seeing your photos. It is such fun to see what the bears have been up to and how your DIY is coming along.
    Have a great week.
    Toni xx

  4. It looks like you had a lovely week. I love that photo of you and one of the Bears, Bertie maybe? xx

  5. Lovely recap - I will be interested to see what ever you post - please remember to use lots of photos of the bears ;)

  6. lovely photos Sandra. i always enjoy reading your round up's x

  7. Love reading your post and seeming your photos. It all sounds great fun xxx

  8. Such a lovely look at your week! Isn't it nice to have those memories of good times when birthdays and anniversaries and such come around!


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