Monday, 16 May 2016

Week 20 ... the week that was

when it started coming together.

Well, that's how I felt.  After weeks of living around boxes and dismantled kitchen units, I could see the light at the end of the tunnel.
So lets see, painting obviously.  A new waterproof mat (again for obvious reasons). An after Pilates cake with Maria, a couple of new books to help me get organised and clutter free.  A lovely chill out morning in nice weather, with Molly.  The dresser back in place, and finally, a lovely evening with Colin and Maria when they came over for dinner.

All in all, a lovely time.  I hope this week is kind to you all xx


  1. I really like the new painted cabinets & the drawer/cupboard pulls are perfect.

    Happy week ahead.

  2. Lovely photos Sandra. It must be lovely to feel that you are finally getting on to of things.
    Toni xx

  3. That does sound like a really lovely week. I can't wait to come and see the kitchen x

  4. The kitchen is looking amazing: well worth the work!

    Hoping this week is a good one for you too

  5. I'm agreeing with Sian...Your kitchen was well worth all your hard work. It looks fab ! x

  6. Your kitchen is looking fantastic! Can't wait to hear if you feel those books are useful (there are some areas in our home that need a little more attention!). Love that top left corner photo.

  7. After Pilates cake? Now that's something I need to try lol! Glad it's all getting there. It will definitely be worth it!


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