Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Week 19 ... The week that was

Sunny and full of workmen!
Yay, the weather was really kind to us, this week.

So the week started with no hot water, and after two visits from British Gas, we finally had it fixed on Wednesday.  Then our internet went down, so another couple of visits by BT by Friday, we were up and working.

Bertie had a visit to the vets for more ear drops and Molly also had a emergency visit as she started choking on something from the garden. As with all these things, as soon as we set foot in the doorway of the vets, she stopped and was fine. Painting is still ongoing here and the main kitchen is now done.  This week I'm starting on the dresser.

My iPad also died, to be fair, it was the very first generation one, so did really really well. Especially as I would say I used to use it practically everyday for blog reading and such. So it was such a happy surprise when Simon came home with a new one for me.  Its taking a bit of getting used to, as its huge lol.

I also met up with my neighbour from across the road, and we had coffee and cake in a lovely little local garden centre.

The best part of the week was the lovely hot weather. We sat outside a lot and certainly made the most of it.

Sadly, this weeks wether isn't playing nice, and as I type this, although its still nice and warm, its raining, and I have two rather wet puppies, just back from our walk.

Wishing you all a lovely week.  I'll be back tomorrow with my monthly roundup. xx


  1. It's been lovely here and Hugo has been very happy with the back door being left open so he could wander in and out as he pleased !! Now we have rain, but I'm happy as I don't do HOT when I'm working !!

    hugs Diane xx

  2. The sunny weather was lovely but I'm not liking the rain that we now have.
    My last dog would get to the vets and have a rapid recovery - makes you feel daft doesn't it when the vet can't find anything wrong.
    Well done on the progress with the kitchen but isn't it always the way that as you get something sorted, something else dies or needs dealing with - have fun with your new ipad.
    Toni xx

  3. What a week, but wasn't it nice to see the sun?

  4. I've just brought our cushions in because it looked so thundery, but I'm hoping I'll be able to sneak back out again later. Bet you're glad of the chance to get outside with the paint smell around. It's headache city, that stuff

  5. The weather broke here today too :-(
    Sorry to hear you've have vet visits, hope they stay well from now on.

  6. Looks like a lovely week weatherwise & it seems all the broken things are fixed or replaced! :) Hope this week has been great!

  7. The good bits look great and the bad things sound awful x


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