Monday, 14 March 2016

Week 11 ... The week that was


Yup, last week was filled with lots of lovely restful things.  Well apart from taking the bears to the groomers, which is always stressful.

So here is a quick catch up on last week.
Told you it was restful 
It would have been my parents 60th wedding anniversary, and I know we'd have been having Chinese takeaway. 
The Easter decorations came out.
 Including these two Easter Bunnies! ... Yup, the groomers love dressing these two up.
 It was a beautiful sunset when we arrived at the Little House
 And a beautiful day followed
And lastly, we got a new table and I love it. 

Have a great week friends. 


  1. Cant understand why its stressful at the groomers when easter headbands are in use lol. Looks a great week. Yours little house looks a great place to unwind - not jealous... much!! Enjoy the rest of this week xxx

  2. The bears look adorable in their Easter headbands.
    Looks like you had some lovely weather down at the little house.
    Toni xx

  3. That view! It's amazing.

    Your Mum looked so beautiful in that dress: it's a very special picture

  4. I really like the photo of your parents wedding - whoa that is quite a cake. The Bears look adorable in their Easter Ears - my fur girls would rip them off & apart before I could even grab my camera.

  5. It looks like you had a really lovely week. The Bears look very cute and that roast dinner looks amazing! Have a great week x

  6. Love the view from your house, what a wonderful place to sit and just relax. Hope your having a great week xx

  7. Sounds like a lovely week minus the groomers stress - but great Easter headbands for the bears! I love the word art you have above the doors in the little house xx

  8. Oh you are so far ahead of the game, I need to get the pup to the groomers and get the decorations going before Easter is here next weekend.

  9. What a lovely sunset photo of you and the pups!!


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