Saturday, 31 January 2015

The bears have arrived

In all the excitement of yesterday, poor Simon's birthday sort of got put on the back burner, but he wasn't too put out.

We went yesterday lunchtime to pick up the bears. Our neighbour came with us, as I didn't want their first journey in the car to be in a crate ... I didn't need to worry, Molly slept all the way home, and Bertie ... well, Bertie needs to see what the world has on offer.
Once home, they explored and played, until they were exhausted, and then just slept where they dropped. 

They slept so well at night in their crate. We didn't hear a peep out of them, and then this morning we were greeted with such happiness. Oh I'm just so in love with them. 

Its very much a learning curve for us; its been a long time since we had a puppy in the house. Yes, my darling Eddie thought he was still a puppy, but at least he knew when he wanted to go in the garden lol. 

I love that they always find each other and sleep like this .... I know, it probably won't happen for long.
Right, better go as I think I can hear them waking. 


  1. Totally adorable... Can I join the queue for a cuddle please? Looking forward to seeing more bear pics and loving the huge grin on your face Sandra xxx

  2. Totally adorable... Can I join the queue for a cuddle please? Looking forward to seeing more bear pics and loving the huge grin on your face Sandra xxx

  3. They are totally gorgeous Sandra......looking forward to seeing them grow xx

  4. They are adorable - guess Simon was quite happy playing with them too!

  5. How sweet the bears look and it seems Simon is smitten too.
    It will be fabulous seeing the pics of them as they grow.
    Toni xx

  6. ooh Sandra, they are so gorgeous, and look like ;ots of fun. Good luck with everything.

  7. It's so lovely to see such happiness - glad brother and sister have each other

  8. Its great that you've been posting on IG so where we can see what they've been up to. I hope they bring you a lots of joy x they are adorable x

  9. Awwww they are just so adorable - looking forward to seeing lots of them on your blog

  10. Oooh you'll have your hands full with those two - enjoy!

  11. They are so cute and I really can't wait to meet them. Paul was saying how much they look like Pippy x

  12. They are so's lovely that you've been able to keep them together! Xx

  13. OH, it does look like y'all are having FUN already!


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