Thursday, 29 January 2015

Project Life - week 1

I'm still working on just creating a one page spread for each week, as I did with 2014, starting on a Monday normally.  But as I did then, if more happens in that week, or I have more memorabilia to include, well then it's likely to go into a double or even more.  

Week one for me, always starts on the 1st of the year, even if it's midweek. This year it fell on a Thursday, so a short week, as ending on the Sunday as normal. As the saying goes about this week .... short but oh so sweet.

So here its all about meeting the bears for the first time, and how although we had planned on getting just Bertie, at Simon's suggestion, we also asked if we could also have his sister.  Luckily for us, the answer was yes.
You'll also see my belated Christmas present from Simon. I'm slightly miniature obsessed and I have a little shop already, which I got before I started caring for Mum & Dad. It then got put on the back burner, so its still a work in progress, and is being kept at the little house, but, I've always wanted a proper dolls house .... so here it is. I'll share it's progress with you as well and that of the little shop. 

I will give you a heads up though, we're picking up the bears tomorrow, so I'm sure my blog will be filled with photos of them, I've already warned my instagram friends lol.  
We've been counting down the days for weeks now, and I can't tell you how happy and excited this morning felt, changing the number to 1. 


  1. Woohoo bear day tomorrow !! I'm super excited for you !!

    hugs Diane xx

  2. well I am looking forward to seeing lots of pics of those furries both here and on instagram....I just can't help but smile everytime I see adorable....I bet you don't sleep tonight....too exciting!!!

  3. This is the day then!...looking forward to watching their progress- hope they settle quickly xx

  4. I'm such a big dollshouse fan I can't wait to see more. It was my favourite hobby for year, I used to buy the magazines and everything.

  5. Lovely...can't wait for LOADS of ickle bear photos!! That's part of the joy!! Txx

  6. I'm late visiting, which means it's bear day today. So exciting.

  7. Great start to your PL! Have FUN with those new additions to the family! :)

  8. So glad you finally got your dolls house - enjoy.
    Somehow I've managed to miss some posts on here so I'm playing catch-up.
    Toni xx

  9. That's a really lovely page. I think you'll change it though to a page for you and a page for the bears each week :) xx

  10. Ohhh lucky you to have not one but two puppies joining your family - to say I am envious would be an understatement.


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