Monday, 10 November 2014

What a Week

Happy Monday dear friends, what a fabulous week I had last week, and I know if it's Monday, I like to join in with Sian's Me on a Monday posts, but today I wanted to share with you some of my highlights from last week.

First things first. You may remember back in September, Simon had to have some biopsies done.  50, in total; this was actually his second time of having biopsies, as last year too, his PSA (the prostrate test) was higher than they liked. Back then, they didn't find anything, but didn't sign his off from the hospital as they wanted to keep an eye on him. Well, his test this year came back higher so they decided to do a lot more ... well the FABULOUS news was that he was all clear, and they've signed him off, telling him they don't want to see him again.  The consultant said sometimes these things do go higher but he is no where near the danger zone, and shouldn't worry.  I can't tell you how happy I was ... actually, I got emotional when the consultant told us and cried.  Shows you how much I was bottling it all up.  Still ... we celebrated with having a Starbucks Red cup.  I can't tell you how relieved we both were.

Next up; we went to see the poppies at the Tower of London. I'm so glad we did, I've been meaning to go for some time now - but last Friday, Simon took the day off and we went.  It is truly humbling and breathtaking.
Following that was the Spirit of Christmas fair at Olympia ... the kid in me, can't wait for Christmas to come, I'm seriously counting down the days till I can put our decorations up.

And lastly ... I went to a crop and well, I must be turning over a new leaf as yes, I actually managed to scrap and do 3 layouts.  I'll share them with you later this week. I also got to see the lovely Ruth again, its been ages and I'm sure she tried to stop me scrapping by making me talk to her lol
So there you have it ... my week.  I've always loved it when Jo used to share her previous weeks on her blog, and I'm glad she's started that again.  So thanks Jo for the idea xxx


  1. Lovely to hear about your week and to read such good news. Such a relief for you both x

  2. So pleased for your good news....and I would have loved the Spirit of Christmas.

  3. Wow wow wow what a week Sandra !! Christmas here you both come !! Whoohoo.....

    hugs Diane xx

  4. Wonderful wonderful news! I'm so pleased this week will be a good one :)

    We have a robin like that..imaginatively called "Big Robin"

  5. Wonderful news about Simon.
    The poppies at the Tower are amazing and they have announced today that the floodlights will remain on until the end of the month - as will many of the poppies.
    The Spirit of Christmas sounds like a super fayre.
    Glad you enjoyed your crop.
    Toni xx

  6. It looks like you had a wonderful week and I'm so pleased that Simon is ok xx

  7. Fab news about the biopsy results - now my Dad is completely the opposite - a zero PSA but biopsies showed that he was T3/4, that was 9 years ago and he has done so well. Thanks for sharing your poppy photos - I'm not able to get there myself so have enjoyed seeing everyone's photographs. Bet the Christmas Fayre was fab - mr P is really Bah Humbug about Christmas so could never imagine him happily taking me somewhere like that LOL!! I look forward to seeing your layouts x

  8. Lovely photos, thanks for sharing. And I am so glad that he got good news, that had to be quite a worry.

  9. Such fabulous news!!!
    We were there last Friday too - wasn't it busy - so beautiful though.

  10. So excited to hear the good news about Simon!! And your photos of the poppies are lovely! Several commentators mentioned them during the American football game a week ago, and I've enjoyed seeing a few photos of them as I'm catching up with blog reading this week!


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