Monday, 18 August 2014

Me on a Monday

Well actually, yesterday to be fair.

Today's photo of me wouldn't be a happy one for sure. I've just got back from the dentist ... so have a numb and lopsided face.  The problem is, I'm not good at the dentist (touch wood), I hardly ever have to have anything done, but when its done its a drama!  So the root work I'm having done at the moment has to be done in stages (again, only because I'm a total girl at the dentist and freak out).

Anyway, my photo is from yesterday, when I tried out the cooker at the little house for the first time with baking.  Going to take me a while I think, I'm not used to having a neff oven, and only one oven at that. Got to get my head around it either heating at the top, or the bottom, or something else it does, which is very fancy. Either way, I'm not complaining, I do love it, and I always feel like I'm in the Bake off, as its the oven they have on the show, where the door slides inside on itself .... so cool :)

Enjoy your week dear friends, and I think I'm going to make myself a coffee now, and go and sit up in my craft room for a little while.


  1. The kitchen just looks so gorgeous...

    Dentist. Ack. I left half a filling in a piece of chewing gum when I was on the plane..need to get that sorted. Best of luck!

  2. Snap....I've been to the dentist as well this morning....and I hate it....nothing done today....but I do have to go back for a small filling...yuck!!!
    The kitchen looks lovely.

  3. What did you bake then Sandra ??

    Now don't start me off about the dentist......I have to tell myself to breath !! Going through yet another ordeal at mo with dentist so I know how you feel sweetie....

    big hugs Diane xx

  4. What a fantastic photo of you and how FUN to try baking in the new oven - a little learning curve is always a good thing to keep us on our toes! Have a fabulous week!

  5. Enjoy getting to know your new kitchen xxx

  6. That's a lovely photo, you look so happy. Enjoy x

  7. Beautiful photo Sandra - hope the baking went well.
    Toni xx

  8. Such a lovely space to cook/bake in. Hoping (as it's now Wednesday) that any pain and swelling has disappeared x

  9. Love the new kitchen Sandra....xx

  10. Glad you're settling in to your little house :)

  11. Great photo! Hope you are getting to grips with the oven now!

  12. What a great space, and I have to say I have mixer envy now too!


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