Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Smashing update

The other evening I was putting a few more bits into my smash book, and realised I hadn't shared any of the more recent pages with you. Now I'm not saying these pages are complete ... its very much like an old fashioned scrapbook for me. And by that I mean not a whole lot of embellishment or design, just a place to keep my ideas fresh in my mind. So here are how a few of the pages are looking at the moment.

I cut apart this wallpaper that is going in our downstairs toilet; it just reminds me of project life cards 

I've been including fabric swatches and wallpaper samples too and cut up brochures ... all in all, I'm having fun with it.  It is still a work in progress, but I thought I'd share how its looking so far.


  1. Sandra I just don't know how you do it all !!

    hugs Diane xx

  2. There are so many wonderfully pretty and stylish ideas captured here. What a lovely project for you. The end result will be gorgeous!

  3. I like reading that you're having FUN with this - it's a great Smash book!

  4. Perfect way to use a Smash book and what you've done so far is looking great.

    Toni xx

  5. Looks the ideal way to use a Smash book. A great reference tool as well as a lasting document of the project.

  6. Great inspiration for me about to move into a new house! Fab idea. x

  7. Looks lovely Sandra and I can see all this in your little house. We ordered a new kitchen today so i shall be collecting bits like you now :) xx

  8. That is lovely, I do love a Smash Book! xx

  9. I love the paper for your downstairs loo :D

  10. I love the understairs bookcase - are you going to do that?

  11. Love all those mirrors up the stairs :)

  12. Loving your smash book :) i have a craft ideas one with a few ideas for our home :) x


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