Wednesday, 7 May 2014

A Huff and A Puff

And the walls come down ... oh and new ones up.

What I'm trying to say, is that the old kitchen and bathroom walls has finally been knocked down and the new super duper walls have gone up. We even have windows. (how sad is it, that I'm excited by windows)

Sorry for the lack of photos ... April was a crazy month.

My mother in law was due to spend a few days with us, instead she picked hospital food over my cooking! She had a fall while out shopping, and has broken her pelvis. She's in a lot of pain, but luckily she doesn't have to have an operation. She did however, have to spend a week in hospital but I'm happy to say is now back at home and recovering

Anyway, here they are ... some update photos on the little house.

Its all coming along so well, and I've been having the fun bit too now, of picking flooring, lights and wall paper.  In fact a lovely large box from Cath Kidston was delivered yesterday with wallpaper .... ahhh the bliss of it all. 

If anyone follows me on Pinterest, you may have noticed I've been rather busy pinning ideas. I really love the changes Pinterest has made recently. So if you're interested, here is my little house board.


  1. I hope she feels a lot better soon.

    Yes, I've been admiring your pinning. I expect I'd admire your wallpaper choice too :)

  2. Oh I do hope your mum-in-law mends speedily. I've followed your board - love to see how others decorate. And I'm completely, insanely jealous of your Cath Kidston!! I hope it all continues to go well and turn out just as you wish.

  3. I'm so glad the renovating is going well...and hope your MIL continues to improve
    Alison xx

  4. Wishing your MIL a speedy recovery and love seeing all your house updates x

  5. It looks like it's coming along really well.....Cath Kidston wallpaper sounds wonderful.

  6. Oooo, KC wallpaper - how lovely.

    It certainly seems to be moving along a pace now.

    Toni xx

  7. Oops, I meant "CK" - fingers obviously had a mind of their own LOL
    Toni xx

  8. oh no..your poor MIL, I hope she has a speedy recovery. I follow your board too and can't wait to see more of the little house as it progresses x

  9. Hope your MIL makes a speedy recovery.... Oh wow to the little house, it looks fab

  10. Ouch for your MIL - hope she mends quickly. And glad that your building work is going smoothly - long may that continue. Well not continue for a long time, but while it's continuing I hope the smoothness does too ;-D

  11. it is looking good Sandra get well soon MIL xxx

  12. It's all whizzing along, I can't wait to see what it looks like when it's done xx

  13. Looks like some great progress is being made! And how FUN to be choosing all the new stuff! Sorry to hear about your mother-in-law - sending prayers she continues to heal quickly!

  14. Sorry to hear about your mother-in-law - hope she is out of pain soon. The little house looks like iti is coming along really well - so exciting for you :)

  15. I do hope your mil is getting better. I totally understand the window excitement. We have lived in our house 22 years and it is still being renovated but over Easter the new window went into the big bedroom and for the first time in 14 years we had a window instead of roofing felt!

  16. How exciting!!!? I can totally understand your joy over the windows going in - its a real marker of development. I shall check out your board!

  17. I hope your MIL heals quickly. The lengths some people will go to, to escape your cooking eh Sandra?!! You seem to be making good progress with the Little House. So looking forward to seeing your vision come to life.


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